The "Post your pictures here" thread.

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collisster I assume you mean where his head is. - the answer is I dont know. it must be getting confused somewhere. Also rememeber to pu the quality to max(100) and the output size to 100% in the option each time you do one. Im not sure what else you can do.

neoduder Those are all stunningly beautiful photos. really well planned and laid out. The lighting is just perfect, the foregrounds you include are very intersting. your site is good looking too.

Great images guys.
neoduder the 1st one is amazing, may be just a bit oversaturated for my liking :)


A couple from a walk I had today, around my farm. They're not great by any means. But I never seem to be able to take 'interesting' photographs. :(


Just a couple. Sky in the bottom left is blown out :(

Also I need to stop bottling it and doing B&W.. I'm going to have more of a go at them in colour but there's a big pink blob on them, probably a fingerprint on my filter!
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