The "Post your pictures here" thread.

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^ Great capture.

What was it taken on, lens wise?

EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS USM

It is a Sea Eagle of some description. I had seen the display yesterday. He was coing in to pick up some bait, floating exctly in the middle of a plastic "lake". I knew what his flight path would be, so I positioned myself at the right spot, locked into 200mm focal length, switched to manual focus and focused on the bait, then panned him in.

It is still not *quite* as sharp as I want it to be but it looks ok at this resolution.

EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS USM

It is a Sea Eagle of some description. I had seen the display yesterday. He was coing in to pick up some bait, floating exctly in the middle of a plastic "lake". I knew what his flight path would be, so I positioned myself at the right spot, locked into 200mm focal length, switched to manual focus and focused on the bait, then panned him in.

It is still not *quite* as sharp as I want it to be but it looks ok at this resolution.


Great shot mate, cant really fault it to be honest.

Another attempt at a flower shot :)

Better than my first one?
Some stunning pictures in this thread, just a couple of basic ones I did of my new toy,

FujiFilm S3500

those have an amazing quality to them. Allmost "glossy" is the best way to describe it. I've seen people on here post photos like this before, and ive enquired about what work was done in Photoshop.

"nothing" has always been the reply. I take it these arent just JPEGs straight off the camera, they've been through photoshop surely ? because my images always come out sort of "flat"
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C&C Welcome, all shot with a 350D and my new 70-300mm lens.

Would any of my pics benefit from a border? Never bothered with them myself. But input is welcome.

Sorry if this is a bit over the top for general C&C but I got confused quoting someone else and well, I've typed it all now, so here it is! :o

Your photos look under exposed by a fair bit and the white balance off a touch which would also affect the look. Do some reading up on metering and white balance. The day also looks a bit overcast which would make the photos lack contrast and that nice 'pop' that can make a photo look nicer.

EDIT: just checked your EXIF info on the photo, you've got your camera on -1 EV which means you've asked your camera to underexpose your photos by 1 stop. Also your camera is set to auto white balance, try changing the white balance manually, on that particular day I'd probably have changed it to the cloud icon.

While I'm here I'll post up a shot I took Tuesday of a friends dog "playing" with another dog he found on a walk. Looks vicious but both were just playing.

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i just used his as an example of what my photos look like. If it looks like im saying they're mine, ill re-word my post i think.

Nope, you made sense looking again - but I'm tired from a long easter weekend and was skim reading through without paying as much attention as I should have been. :p
those have an amazing quality to them. Allmost "glossy" is the best way to describe it. I've seen people on here post photos like this before, and ive enquired about what work was done in Photoshop.

"nothing" has always been the reply. I take it these arent just JPEGs straight off the camera, they've been through photoshop surely ? because my images always come out sort of "flat"

thanks but I'm afraid to disappoint you, they pretty much are just straight off the camera, all I've done is downsize them, added a frame and photo-shopped a couple of dust particles away, other than that nothing, I think the smooth look comes from the depth of field, if you look on my first pic I concentrated on getting the 'SONY' wording in focus, not the whole object, on the second pic the PSP wording, in these types of perspective shots if you stand back and have the whole object equally focused then it will look a little flat, whack the camera into macro mode and try to just concentrate on keeping a single part of your subject matter in perfect focus, I hope that helps, I'm still a noob at this really.

Took this through the window of my mums car while we were lost in London. I know the sky is hideously over exposed but I had the camera on auto with flash off so that I could point and shoot as we were driving around.
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