The "Post your pictures here" thread.

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Battle of The Bands at my school. Some surprisingly good acts this year. Everything shot in B&W as they only used horrible red lighting.







Will be shooting an opera thing tomorrow, should be fun. :)
^^ MUCH better :D

Was tight on room taking that using just a 20mm on the GF1, plus i was racing against the tide going out, which it does at a rapid rate of knots in Morecambe bay. More to the right of the boat and there would have been to many other boats in the background.

The GF1 is proving an absolute joy to use and im taking loads more pics than i would have even contemplated with the D80.
One from the other day when we had quite a fair bit of fog in the morning


Could be bigger but formatted PC yesterday and my backup lightroom catalog is corrupt so will have to start from scratch :(
Thanks it was in burst mode as they were coming past at over 100mph, talking to one of the pit crew later and they said some were hitting the jump at 110mph which I can believe as some landed well past were I was standing.
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