The "Post your pictures here" thread.

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Hows that?
Love the shot, its one thing i'd like to try one day.

Nice! Thanks :D

I do normally edit the pics, but I hadn't done much at 10mm before and was just trying to convey the width. I also have problems there with haze and misting (it's 35 degrees on the ground, and about 10 degrees at altitude).

Somewhere I have some pics I took with a Samyang 8mm lens that I used to jump with. I had to sell that as it misted on EVERY jump - I think it's something to do with the huge thickness of glass on a lens like that taking time to adjust to the temperature differential. It would be fine again by the time I'd landed.
Majority of public are thick.

Lower yourself to their level of intelligence = winner. \o/

Great business plan... But the Jeremy Kyle brigade hardly have "Doing Photos" high up on the list of things to spend their giro on.

Was it seriously a deliberate grammatical faux pas?
This geezer seemed perfectly happy to let me take some snaps of him, with a litting hopping here and there.



naffed up colours I know.
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taken Friday evening looked out the window and ran to get my camera

Taken on Canon 200 powershot. sunset settings
Ah I see.

Not everyone will know what "Families" are. But everyone will be able to figure out what "Familys" are.

Good compromise of targeting stupid and clever people with one flyer.
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