The "Post your pictures here" thread.

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Seb @ 2 weeks, surprising how quickly he's changing already!

There was a man wearing all gold clothes, gold face paint etc in town the other day that scared the crap out of me as i walked past. Didnt even notice him and he suddenly reached out :o Nearly dropped my fish and chips!
They did give my mum a scare... been to York too many times, so I saw it coming :p

Its things like this which make me smile with your style of photography. A little bit off the wall but I like it. :)
My little brother + me = mad play photography!
My little girl turn six today so this weekend has been an excuse to grab a few more pics of her. Annoying that her left hand is blurred in this but I liked the pic:-


Tighter crop:-

I don't really know anything about photography, but my friend is aspiring to be a professional photographer. Here's a photo he took in Yorkshire. What do you photo buffs think?

Desaturation mate. Its kinda my own personal style. True infrared would be magenta toned foliage.

Desaturation, that simple eh :) I have to say i am a fan of your IR stuff. I assume you do the usual of meter off the grass and set that as your WB, take the shot, apply BradsIRaction then desaturate the parts you dont want any colour on?
Desaturation, that simple eh :) I have to say i am a fan of your IR stuff. I assume you do the usual of meter off the grass and set that as your WB, take the shot, apply BradsIRaction then desaturate the parts you dont want any colour on?

I take a custom WB from the grass yes. I don't apply any brads action. I have full manual control over swapping the channels so I can fine tune them. Run a desaturation layer mask and paint back the color or vice versa. The some dodging and burning. job done.

Thank you. Think I have done so much IR work no one notices anything else I do.. that, or I just am sloppy on the rest! :P

Cheer pal :)
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