The "Post your pictures here" thread.

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One from a wedding yesterday.

Aye, you're not too bad at this photography malarky, you should start charging :p

Was the flash off the camera to the left of the bride as we look at the photo?

lol I am :p :)

Yep it was :)

Will do a thread for the wedding when the photos are done as well.
nice comp... its a bit underexposed for my tastes, but the light looks pretty hard so balancing it against the white dress must be difficult. if you did this is raw, an increase of fill + increase of recovery may well get you there. A littler tinkering with the curves and you will have nice exposure. hope you dont mind my critique
nice comp... its a bit underexposed for my tastes, but the light looks pretty hard so balancing it against the white dress must be difficult. if you did this is raw, an increase of fill + increase of recovery may well get you there. A littler tinkering with the curves and you will have nice exposure. hope you dont mind my critique

Ofcourse not, I'll have another play with the processing tonight :)
sunlitsix, the pics were taken at high apartures, was this on the kit lens? Zoom in, widen the aperture (lower number) and then pan with the subject for much more involving and action-ish looking shots :) The first one is already there with the motion, just needs a bit more zoom than 41mm!

Cheers for the tips! I was using the 28-135mm so I could have zoomed in a lot more, also don't know where else I can practice these kind of shots now though.
I didn't expect them to all pass through as quick as they did tbh. :o
You know what I like most about the above adam...

And people are on a constant mission to have as grain free an image as possible these days :p

I think grain gives photos the classic film SLR look, it's an awesome look! Obviously there's a difference to this kind of grain and digital compact style grain found in Jpegs and so on though.
I'm currently going through and deleting duds but I couldn't help it with this one.

HAD to process it.


40D, 85mm 1.8 :)

Thought I'd try something a little different to my usual style and try some high contrast! The only thing is, I'm not happy with it. Suggestions on how to perfect this image please? :)

Oh and 40D + 50mm f/1.8 :)
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