The "Post your pictures here" thread.

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Kodak, please don't die, I'm in love with the new Portra 400. :(


Damn. I need to shoot more film. Cursing myself for taking my ST605n apart to try and clean the prism (haven't managed to get the poor thing back together :().

I may have to divert a considerable amount from my new telescope fund ;)
More often than not they don't say anything to me but I don't really mind if they do. I'm not going to see them again so they can just jog on.

If someone gets really distressed about me taking a picture of them I would probably stop though. Not had it happen yet!
Here are a few that I took last night. I am only a beginner so would appreciate some constructive criticism :)

Things I found bad about them already:

Picture 1 focus is off
Picture 4 should include whole ramp on right and not cut

What do you guys think?

Bridge 4 by Guitarman0, on Flickr

Bridge 1 by Guitarman0, on Flickr

Bridge 5 by Guitarman0, on Flickr

Bridge 2 by Guitarman0, on Flickr
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