The "Post your pictures here" thread.

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Last one - need to be up in 5 and a half hours :o - More to come tomorrow

<3 Richmond Park :D
ash i love the headless shot and the overhead cityscape.

phate i love the first pic, the fog gives a very mysterious feel whilst creating a good contrast between the background and deer. if i had taken that shot it would be on my wall already.
ash i love the headless shot and the overhead cityscape.

phate i love the first pic, the fog gives a very mysterious feel whilst creating a good contrast between the background and deer. if i had taken that shot it would be on my wall already.

Thanks pal, can always buy a print if you want :p
Seraph was your white balance off? They look very blue! Apologies if theyw ere processed that way though!

Any shots from London, mrk?

Unfortuantely I had no time to get to Central at all, I left for Abingdon at 8:30 and got back at 4PM. The M25/M40 were killers for traffic and sucked up the hours :/

I will plan a purely London only trip soon though :p
Is it wrong to change the White Balance in post? I never really touch the WB on the camera.

i've been wondering this too, but because i use photoshop for PP not lightroom it won't open the Nef files :( i just process from the Jpegs :( think i should get lightroom?
Is it wrong to change the White Balance in post? I never really touch the WB on the camera.

Personally I leave the default WB on my camera, and then change according to the mood I want in the photos on LR. I guess it's completely preference for the type of shot you want?
If you shoot RAW then I don't think it matters one iota when you change it because you're getting the exact same result either way :p

Personally I shoot auto WB on camera in AdobeRGB colourspace then process in Lightroom after and if need be, fine tune white balance. Usually my WB will always change in processing because my LR custom presets are used.
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