The "Post your pictures here" thread.

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Some randoms from this morning.



And a Queen wasp which I have never seen in the flesh before. This thing was ****** massive.

About 3 times the size of a normal wasp & I must admit to being a little apprehensive when taking this pic.

Some randoms from this morning.

And a Queen wasp which I have never seen in the flesh before. This thing was ****** massive.

About 3 times the size of a normal wasp & I must admit to being a little apprehensive when taking this pic.


Erm, you still haven't seen a Queen wasp. That thing is a European Hornet (Vespa crabo). They are in the same family as wasps. They are the largest of the social wasps - some of them can grow to a couple of inches long.

Nice shot though :)
Erm, you still haven't seen a Queen wasp. That thing is a European Hornet (Vespa crabo). They are in the same family as wasps. They are the largest of the social wasps - some of them can grow to a couple of inches long.

Nice shot though :)

Owned :D. Thanks for the correction fella.

It was as long as my index finger and made a seriously loud humming noise when it flew. I wouldn't want one flying around me.
Different take on an earlier shot from friday. Bit clichéd but I like it for a noob attempt :)

As always, criticism is much needed as a beginner :D

Almost all the apples off the trees now.

Was nice and sunny so I decided to have a go at this photography lark :)

Then tinkered a little with it in GIMP, does it look overdone?


On the subject of hornets, I had one hover past my window earlier today but while I was looking for something to catch it or take its picture with it vanished :(
Always heard that the scenery in the woods near Alderly was very impressive, so having a week off and it being a nice day, went for a drive down.

Got a fair few photos, the best of which are on my flickr. I'm hoping for some C+C on these couple though.


When The Sun Sleeps by Invertig0, on Flickr


How the Mighty Fall by Invertig0, on Flickr

3 - This is my first real attempt at HDR, and it seems the wind was much stronger than it seems. The photos were taken no more than a second apart and there seems a fair bit of cloud movement.

Over the Edge by Invertig0, on Flickr

Still playing with that less contrasted, less saturated kind of style. Seems like everyone else here is too!
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