The "Post your pictures here" thread.

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Just going to throw a Giraffe in here, can't decide which version I prefer. I like the fact that it's a Giraffe with the city sort of background but then the focus should really be him poking his tongue out. Anyway, Giraffe!


some shots that I took whilst up in Edinburgh on Sunday :D

t rex skeleton by Kieran Horne, on Flickr

sabre tooth by Kieran Horne, on Flickr

Rhino skull by Kieran Horne, on Flickr

Lion cub by Kieran Horne, on Flickr

my personal favourite:

leopard by Kieran Horne, on Flickr

kangaroo by Kieran Horne, on Flickr

giraffe by Kieran Horne, on Flickr

costume by Kieran Horne, on Flickr

car by Kieran Horne, on Flickr

my first proper attempt at long exposure, whilst editing this I realised that I should have closed the aperture more :facepalm:

1st long exposure by Kieran Horne, on Flickr
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