The "Post your pictures here" thread.

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One from today, just liked the patterns :

Stopped on the way home from the office, it looked like the sun might break through with rays galore... but it didn't!

Baydon by jj_glos, on Flickr

and yes I've got a dirty sensor too, doesn't normally matter shooting wide open! Another reason I don't do landscapes :D
^^ Why would shooting wide open change anything about whether a dirty sensor shows up the dirt? It's all behind all the focusing elements anyway?
^^ Why would shooting wide open change anything about whether a dirty sensor shows up the dirt? It's all behind all the focusing elements anyway?
I couldn't tell you why but when I had dust on my sensor on my old 550D it would show up from about f11 onwards but anything below f11 it was invisible for some reason :)
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Yeah you begin to see dust at f7.1 and above for moderate dust. Anything below is not really visible. Focal length doesn't really matter though because the dust will always be in the same place on the frame since the sensor doesn't actually move...

One reason I love the Canon 10-22 because even wide open at f/3.5 it's very very sharp from edge to edge.

Then again it should be for a £700 lens (inclusive of hood!).
A higher fstop will show more dust which is why most people when doing a test shot for checking purposes will use an fstop of about f22+
It's not a major issue though^^ It takes seconds to remove dust from an image especially if you have Lightroom or Photoshop.
I like them and great first HDR attempts too but I think there's too much blue disturbance in the lower half of each image and that gives the impression of extra image noise. You could easily solve that by importing to Photoshop and using Hue/Set (CTRL+U) to lower the blue channel saturation and perhaps even Cyan too to see how that looks!

Also, you have a dirty sensor :p

Thanks for the constructive feedback :) Have some beautiful areas up near my girlfriends parents place so there will be plenty to practice on.

And yeah, by camera needs a bit of tlc. Will have to look into how to clean a sensor!
Will have to look into how to clean a sensor!

Sensor cleaning is an expensive task in itself if you want to do it properly! Although it's only an annual cost for most people really. One pack of 100 pecpads and a bottle of eclipse fluid has lasted me over a year!
Just messing in the garden with my new Nikon 105mm f2.8 VR micro lens. Focus alil off but it will do for the first shot. First impressions are its a very nice lens.

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