The "Post your pictures here" thread.

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We have some absolutely cracking Ivy growing up one of the buildings at uni. It's gone red in the autumn. Definitely going to need to grab a photo before it's too late.

Look at the attention to detail in the graffiti, on the drain pipes and everything!

I'm not a big fan of the massive wall of black on the left, my eyes just skip over it.

It also, isn't quite straight, and the whole perspective seems slightly off.....

That said, it should only be a couple of tweaks to sort out normally.

I spent a couple of hours on Saturday night, taking photos of my mates band Funkweasel.

148A0249 by Niall Allen, on Flickr

The above shot, was just one I took as I was trying all the focus points through the night, and took this while they were setting up. ISO12800 no noise reduction, processed from RAW. All I've done is a slight tone edit (strong orange/yellow pub lighting) and cropped it. ISO12800 is an odd beast, as some images come out very noisy and others are very usable. If you click through to the bands facebook page, their banner is another 12800 shot which I converted to B&W as it was so noisy.

Fair play, I love this camera. I hate pub lighting though. It's never occurred to me before taking photos in pubs, just how crap it is :D
Yeah, I didn't want it too white, as I wanted to keep the images near to what it was actually like in the pub. It was just TOO orange for me to be happy with. It's not that the camera WB was off, just the images didn't look very nice with the cast. A good reference is the tub behind the guitar. That off white colour is actually as close to the actual colour as it normally is.

This is why I don't like pub lights. I can spend more time correcting it, but I'd rather have a more accurate representation of the light at the time, than a nice white image that isn't natural.

Oh and it's not a "look at my ossum photo" post, more of a oooo look at the ISO :D Also, the annoying thing about not having lighting that's consistent in a pub is that I couldn't batch process any of them, as it gave a different lighting effect/colour cast on each shot, not helped by it getting darker as the gig went on. I was hoping to have a consistent look to the images throughout, but I've had to crop a load of the images for one reason or another; mainly intruding people/items.

I couldn't get to the left side of the stage area either, due to people & staff being in the way.

This one is an example of correcting the light more. The lights at the top of the shot still show how orange they are, after correcting it so the rear wall and shirts are whiter. If the lights weren't on, that's pretty much how they'd look.
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Ah thats fair enough and I agree with sometimes correcting the WB isn't a massive issue. Suppose you could use a greycard or something similar if it was an issue, although shooting RAW means it normally doesn't matter anyway.

I also hate mixed lighting as I've never seen a DSLR cope with them properly as of yet.
Yeah it's a bit of a git, that's for sure. It's definitely opened my eyes to the reasons why a local venue in town always has horrid looking photos on their website :D
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