The "Post your pictures here" thread.

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Hey cheers!

I joined a few friends in a packed bright orange Focus ST so it's not like we stood out at all, no :D

We actually had 2 sites in mind but no idea of whether we'd be able to find a way in as these things come and go so it was a bit of a chance explore really from 5am :eek:

More pics to follow as I'm juggling a wedding set at the same time :p
Hey cheers!

I joined a few friends in a packed bright orange Focus ST so it's not like we stood out at all, no :D

We actually had 2 sites in mind but no idea of whether we'd be able to find a way in as these things come and go so it was a bit of a chance explore really from 5am :eek:

More pics to follow as I'm juggling a wedding set at the same time :p

Great I look forward to them.

You must have steel gonads as I've only tried it once in an abandoned hospital and got bloody caught!

Fortunately the police were pretty cool about it and just told us to move along quietly.

I haven't tried since.
You've done something similar before haven't you?


Yup, at Hasler Hospital:


The one posted earlier was at Cambridge Military, not quite as characteristic!!

Great I look forward to them.

You must have steel gonads as I've only tried it once in an abandoned hospital and got bloody caught!

Fortunately the police were pretty cool about it and just told us to move along quietly.

I haven't tried since.

It's not a criminal offence and besides the hired security on these sites know people are wandering around with cameras taking pictures as this isn't something new :p

At Cambridge Military the security were in their hut playing with phones none the wiser! Some folks got taken away by the police at Hasler once and merely asked questions about what they were doing for a few hours then sent on their way.There are some guidelines for MOD places like that as well on how to deal with photographers on site.

I like it because I can get pictures that not many other people will ever get. Looking at pictures posted by others of the same locations and it's usually just wide angle shots showing the locations themselves or objects of interest and so on so I try to keep things different, feature perspective and people :)
A couple of quick test shots with my Fujifilm X-E1, on the way back home from Uni. I'm a total amateur and never used a camera outside of auto mode before now.



... and one experimental shot at home.


Critiques welcome.
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A couple of quick test shots with my Fujifilm X-E1, on the way back home from Uni. I'm a total amateur and never used a camera outside of auto mode before now.

Critiques welcome.

The time of day and composition are what matters most for those kind of locations I find. You say it was during the walk back from UNI so this means you have no excuse to return every other day and shoot them from all manner of angles then when you're home look at them side by side to see what you think works well for each frame :)

Good compositions, I like the use of framing, repetition and leading lines.


A few more then :)

St Joseph's Missionary - Corridor by Robbie Khan, on Flickr

Cambridge Military - You Shall Not Pass by Robbie Khan, on Flickr

St Joseph's Missionary - Richard by Robbie Khan, on Flickr

Cambridge Military - Junction by Robbie Khan, on Flickr

Cambridge Military - Bleeding Doors by Robbie Khan, on Flickr

Cambridge Military - Shadow by Robbie Khan, on Flickr

I may have mentioned this before but I have started to prefer using people in certain shots to give a sense of scale or perspective. Add to that the silhouette factor and I feel it creates a certain atmosphere!
The last 2 are superb, very 'horror film poster' and you've managed the lack of light perfectly.

I presume at 1/10th you had your tripod out for Bleeding Doors?
The time of day and composition are what matters most for those kind of locations I find. You say it was during the walk back from UNI so this means you have no excuse to return every other day and shoot them from all manner of angles then when you're home look at them side by side to see what you think works well for each frame :)


A few more then :)

St Joseph's Missionary - Corridor by Robbie Khan, on Flickr

To be honest I like all of them but this one in particular. You seem to have a natural eye for composition. Great work!
Thanks! I often come back home with fewer pictures than everyone else and am sometimes wary of whether I got enough to produce a decent number of shots to share!
mrk those are some awesome shots!
Here is another of Bruce, shame the background is so crappy :( He comes up so well in pictures.

Well got a trip out planned tomorrow, he's hoping for some decent weather.

Bruce by ringiho, on Flickr
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Im literally brand new to Photography and took these tonight (after 600D arrived 2 days ago) so chances are they are fairly rubbish compared to all of yours! But, Considering these are like the first photos ive ever taken (apart from on iphone :) ).. I dont think there too bad!! Thoughts?




One of the best film scans I've done in a while, whenever I think of selling all my film stuff I scan a neg like this and remember why I love the results I get from film:


Hexar AF + Acros 100
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