The "Post your pictures here" thread.

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Girl for starters, and shirt is on :p


Proof :o


my first attempt at a night club shooting...not so great but im still happy with the result's

one from last night slightly the big b*gger on ther right :)
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Those dials look pretty wicked on the cdjs.

One thing I saw which looked pretty awesome when someone did it was a long exposure, but with a flash(I think this is how it was done), so you see the people, then the lights trail everywhere.

eg: (not mine)

ahhhhh ... ive always wounderd how to do it... ive added grid lines but it takes so long that sounds canny easy ill give it a shot tonight :D
went and did another panoramic on worthing seafront this time at night, im not overly happy with the results, the weather was really bad and the cloud cover played havoc with light polution.


and heres one for all you ocuk'ers

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