The power of flight or invisibility?

Lysander said:
I don't understand why you'd choose invisibility. To perve on girls.. ok but you need to get into their houses first. You can't break in without arousing suspicion.

You could always go to clothes shops and watch girls get dressed but how are you going to sneak into their dressing rooms without opening a door or drawing a curtain? And then only about 1/20 would be hot[ish]. The invisibility thing would be rubbish.

Invisibility would be far more fun. I could steal a helicopter and fly around all day long, sneak into government buidlings and read classified materials, spend my day scaring people, play practical jokes on deadly animals, etc.

Looking at the naked female anatomy would just be a hobby for the end of a day of awesomness.

Compare that to someone who can fly - His day is just spent going from A to B.
Ok, but to be invisible you'd have to take all your clothes off. Plus if you steal a helecopter, they can still see the helecopter. Plus be able to get your fingerprints, dna etc. Rubbish.

Flying would be great.

Ok, but to spice this up how about

Flying or

Being invisible and able to walk through walls. ;)
Hellsmk2 said:
Invisibility would be far more fun. I could steal a helicopter and fly around all day long, sneak into government buidlings and read classified materials, spend my day scaring people, play practical jokes on deadly animals, etc.

Looking at the naked female anatomy would just be a hobby for the end of a day of awesomness.

Compare that to someone who can fly - His day is just spent going from A to B.

You do realise those are all pretty terrible things to be doing :p
Invisibility. Simply because being invisible opens so many possibilities. If I wanted to fly, i'd just wander onto a plane. Who can tell i'm there?

I think the whole "girls changing rooms" would get boring pretty quick, although that wouldn't stop me doing it at first. :D
Bug One said:
Ok, but to spice this up how about

Flying or

Being invisible and able to walk through walls. ;)

tbh invisibility pretty much grants you the walk through wall thing, just you have to find another way in other than passing through a solid object, its still just as stealthy

i would probably choose flying but ive got to admit i would love to do some snooping in stictly unauthorised areas(area 51 kinda thing)
They probably have motion detectors and pressure pads in very sensitive buildings, in which case you're screwed.
Actually, if I was invisible I know exactly what I'd do.

I'd go find that con-artist Derek Acorah and scare the living **** out of him. Like to tell people you can hear ghosts eh? Well let's give you something to hear bitch! :D
Vita said:
To those who chose Invisability (You're all a bunch of big Pervs :p ;))

And your point is!!!... ;)

I'm a Perv and I admit it!!!... Invisibility for me! (I'm in my Mid 30's and Married :p )
Definately flying, think of the hot ladies you could impress ;) How can you impress them being invisible, you'll suck.
Won't need to impress them if you're invisible though. :p

I'd probably go for flying tbh.. Not sure though. :( Both would be pretty cool to have.
Got to be Flying, imagine the feeling you would get flying through the sky and the way people would look and say "WOW". :)
iCraig said:
It would seriously rock. As long as I could toggle it.

You can visit places you're not allowed to, observe things and people you normally wouldn't be able to. Lots of possibilities.

I've always wandered what the Queen actually does all day, so it would be interesting to sneak in and tail her.
You could also clip people around the ear and watch the reaction. :D :D :D
Easy answer : flying

You could actually be a hero with flying, you could actually reach and find people that are in trouble. With invisibility youd just need to be lucky enough to come across someone in trouble.

Also with flying you could impress people more easily, if you told people you could go invisible whod be the first to blame when something goes missing or people hear strange noises at night etc

Flying would be too conspicuous and the government would soon be hunting you down :p

Invisibility has more than just perving uses, you can find out what people talk about if you aren't around, how much your gf farts when she is 'alone', help someone in need that is say being mugged or something.
Hmm not sure, you could have so much fun fighting a group of bad guys while invisible, plus you could sneak into places in a splinter cell style.

Flying is more practical for saving people but quite dangerous unless your body was tougher. If you flew into something you would be stuffed.

I'm guessing this could actually be used as a psychological test. I'm guessing invisibility appeals more to introverts and flying to extraverts.
Someone's been watching Heroes :)

I want the power to talk to computers - in this day and age you'd be able to do anything.
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