I can see some of you really enjoy the minutia of over-clocking, good luck to you.
I just pressed the efficency button and left it there. Works in all my games, no crashes, maybe 2-3% fps difference, doubt most will notice.
tbh, I'm tinkering for the 1st time, with a new card and being so much better than the last, I'm curious about it....I'm just viewing it as a game, though a different type of game where the end score is the fun part as you're playing with the product (the physical gpu), rather than playing with the output of the product(ie the actual game the gpu is outputting)...on my laptop doing this while the benchmarks runs and watching a bit of yt on the side also. Playing the games is fun, but doing this is fun also...I mean I'm 53 and still love building lego. Just something else to keep the mind active

...seeing as my hand/eye coordination are through the floor now and my boys trounce me at online gaming
so my stock test had score 22,749, cpu 10059, gpu 29264
and test so far where I'm actually writing down my results....
with -100 undervolt score 25,448, cpu 13082, gpu 30543
with -105 undervolt score 25,464, cpu 13,023, gpu 30628...best score so far so 11.9% overall score increase from my base, 29.4% cpu increase, 4.6% on gpu
with -110 undervolt score 25,391, cpu 12964, gpu 30562
with -115 undervolt score 25,416, cpu 13099, gpu 30474
as far as I've got so far..running -120 at mo..will keep going till it crashed just to see
when I come to gaming, at mo I'll probably keep the card at stock as my games running flawless without problem for me...after tinkering with benchmarks etc, might run a game with the best settings I have just to see the difference in fps is, but unless I know it def doesn't stress the gpu and lower it's life expectancy, stock is fine for me (will try your efficiency also to see difference too)....any expert reading this can enlighten me on the last part?