Elite Dangerous is one for me.
What is there is awesome, it runs well, whole game feels slick, looks pretty, really well made, huge place to fly around and explore.
Basically the most awesome sandbox "base" to then build content on, yet they didn't put any content in.......
Or at least very little, which gets samey very fast and is such a shame. If you could merge Elite Dangerous with like the MMO dynamics of Eve Online for example, I'd probably never leave the house again.
Instead your left flying around thinking if only......
You sum up my feelings almost entirely. The problem they have is that due to design decisions (reliance on small instances/p2p model) they can't really change it to be a more persistent EVE style world without doing a lot of work. I firmly believe they should have just made it a subscription model like Eve and been done with it, but they were so scared of losing their legacy single player fanbase that they made it a frustratingly barren and non-committal halfway house of an experience. What a missed opportunity.