***The (renamed) official Ogame thread***

If it's an active player you are raiding - Expect them to build defences if they are getting aattacked.

I'd stick to inactives until you have a fleet which can get past defences.
Although the rewards are usually less, the risks are also significantly less.
(and check the (i)'s stay there... I've had 3 people that I've raided come back, only one scanned me afterwards tho.)

Unsure if he is planning a revenge attack once he rebuilds his fleet tho! :s

Bad luck on the resource gatherer loss tho. :(

EDIT - If you will not be afk at the time, then active's are OK... Just send in an esp probe just before your fleet hits to see if the res is still there/any new defences have been put up.
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Gah, I got attacked last night

The attacker has won the battle!
He captures
209201 Metal, 220363 Crystal and 40426 Deuterium

He attacked me with
Type L.Cargo Cruiser B.Ship Dest.
Number 25 89 202 11
Brynn said:
Gah, I got attacked last night

The attacker has won the battle!
He captures
209201 Metal, 220363 Crystal and 40426 Deuterium
So you had in excess of 400 Metal, 400 Crystal and 80 Deut...

When you fleetsave at night, stick the resources in there too.
So that if they do scan your planet - There's nothing there.

If you have 2 main planets, fleet/res saving between the 2 can keep all of your res in the cargo's.
But if someone has a moon, they'll get it anyway if they scan your planet... :s

Bad news tho - That's a huge amount of res to loose. :(
rich99million said:
ouch! it's tough at the top :eek:

The level that people like Brynn and myself are at is nowhere near the top. I've chatted to one guy (High Ace) who has 444k points. Our entire Alliance put together only has 250k points between 86 members. One hell of a difference between where I'm at and where he is.

On a side note, at least he's a decent bloke. I scanned him as I generally scan people who aren't in an Alliance, and he was good enough to tell me who he was before I sent a fleet at him. Had a good chat with him as well, gave me a few decent tips.
Captain Fizz said:
So you had in excess of 400 Metal, 400 Crystal and 80 Deut...

When you fleetsave at night, stick the resources in there too.
So that if they do scan your planet - There's nothing there.

If you have 2 main planets, fleet/res saving between the 2 can keep all of your res in the cargo's.
But if someone has a moon, they'll get it anyway if they scan your planet... :s

Bad news tho - That's a huge amount of res to loose. :(

and he destroyed my 31 battleships, 31 large cargo ships.

He effectivly wiped out 3.1 million worth of resources.

more irritated about the 91 hours of ship yard construction he destroyed.
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Captain Fizz said:
So you had in excess of 400 Metal, 400 Crystal and 80 Deut...

When you fleetsave at night, stick the resources in there too.
So that if they do scan your planet - There's nothing there.

If you have 2 main planets, fleet/res saving between the 2 can keep all of your res in the cargo's.
But if someone has a moon, they'll get it anyway if they scan your planet... :s

Bad news tho - That's a huge amount of res to loose. :(

what's easier is to put a recycler with your fleet, select a random planet and send them to harvest at the debris field. Then you don't need a second planet close to you, and you also don't run the risk of annoying the owner of the planet.

edit: 31 battleships lost?! ouch that is a serious loss
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|Thomas| said:
what's easier is to put a harvester with your fleet, select a random planet and send them to harvest at the debris field.

will bear that in mind for next time, just irritated because I had all that resources earmarked for computer tech lvl 10.
Brynn said:
and he destroyed my 31 battleships, 31 large cargo ships.

He effectivly wiped out 3.1 million worth of resources.

more irritated about the 91 hours of ship yard construction he destroyed.

I'm guessing he was after the debris field he created. That's what happened to me yesterday, and it's what I'm going to be doing when I get back on my feet. It's looks far more profitable than simple raiding.
Brynn said:
and he destroyed my 31 battleships, 31 large cargo ships.
:eek: I only have 12 BS's in total. :s
(Mainly cargo's)

Not good.

But as I have been advised by top players... Fleetsave.

I wasn't bothering when I had only a little res, but doing it every night now just to be on the safe side.
Even if when you do get back, you have to wait an hour until your ships get back - leave a few esp probes so there is something to do.
(And the cargo's that were on raids when setting the rest onto fleetsaving can be put out into more raids)

That is a nasty one tho... :(
fRostiE said:
lol, i've never had a big raid like that on me... i have some fair defences tho

30 missile
70 small laser
5 heavy laser
10 ion cannon
5 gauss cannon
both the shield domes :p

that good enough for around 1 million units worth of resources ?

You call those defences? :p

310 x missile
211 x small laser
52 x heavy laser
40 x ion cannon
12 x gauss cannon
both shield domes

supplemented by

92 x light fighter
43 x heavy fighter
14 x cruiser
4 x battleships

all my other fleets are out raiding, though i do keep one slot open for fleetsaving - just in case!

Hmm - I have less points than you too.

Well, for now anyway ;)
|Thomas| said:
He wouldn't, recyclers are sent seperately from the fleet to your planet's debris field which you can't see.

They can be sent at the same time, I believe, and they are programmed to arrive seconds after the attack and gather resources shortly. But they would slow the whole fleet down massively and give the defender more time to realise they're being attacked and fleet save. Read that yesterday in the help section, but it's possible I got the wrong end of the stick.
The $6m Dan said:
They can be sent at the same time, I believe, and they are programmed to arrive seconds after the attack and gather resources shortly. But they would slow the whole fleet down massively and give the defender more time to realise they're being attacked and fleet save. Read that yesterday in the help section, but it's possible I got the wrong end of the stick.
They can't :p. They will act as slow cargo ships when they are sent with the fleet

Edit: if you read it in the help section perhaps I'm wrong...
i've just applied to join the alliance

game name: lonewolf.....couldn't think of anything at the time been playing to much bf2 :D

planet: Anouck 2:265:12

would be most gratefull if someone could spare me a few resources. :)
From the help section

If you are sure that your target player won't log in while your fleet is approaching, you can send a recycler directly together with your attack fleet. The velocity of the attack fleet will be leveled to the maximum speed of the recycler, so the recyclers will arrive some seconds after the attack fleet at the target to mine the fresh debries.
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