***The (renamed) official Ogame thread***

I got hit last night as well, 200 battleships hammered me, my lads put up a brave, but futile fight fight. They did take down one of his battleships though.
Had a 7% chance of a moon, but no luck.
I guess I didn't lose too much resource, only 100k, 70k and 28k, but losing all those ships is the gutting thing. It's going to take ages to get them back.
Depends how many battleships are coming at you really. But plasma cannons (if you had enough of them ) should do the trick, but build lots of missile launchers and lasers aswell in case they send fighters and smaller ships with them :)
Trading with people lower in level than you?

I have nearly 5k points, I want to trade with someone lower then me (500 points), when I try I get a multialarm message. What are the restrictions on this?
rich99million said:
I joined it earlier mate - think you have to accept my application, probably in your messages or something :)

I have accepted it :)

Sorry I was watching footie yesterday so I hadn't been on ogame! :eek:

does anybody have 50k - 100k worth of Deuterium they want to trade for Crystal preferably, but i just about manage Metal

based on the ratio 3:2:1 i'd be 2x the amount of deut in crystal or 3x the amount of deut in metal

message me in game 4:262:10 (fRostiE)

wont be home until 5, but msg me in game and i'll get back to you :)
OK, here's a question for you regarding colonies.

Do I just send a colony ship to a free space in a solar system? I was going to make my first one in the same solar system as me so that it was handy for fleet saving or am I better to build it over near the rest of the TNG squad?

Another thing, are they worth building or is it better just to pump my resources into my main planet for the time being? I'm not really sure I see the benefit of one.
Tachyon said:
OK, here's a question for you regarding colonies.

Do I just send a colony ship to a free space in a solar system? I was going to make my first one in the same solar system as me so that it was handy for fleet saving or am I better to build it over near the rest of the TNG squad?

Another thing, are they worth building or is it better just to pump my resources into my main planet for the time being? I'm not really sure I see the benefit of one.

Definitely build colonies, they're very useful for resource collecting, fleet movements and other stuff I can't think of yet :p

Also send your colony ship to the T.N.G galaxy, its not worth building one near you just to fleetsave because you can simply tell your fleet to go to a random planet's debris field (by clicking the dropdown box where it says 'planet' and select DF). The owner of the planet won't be able to attack you or see you so there's no problem of them getting annoyed. It's also useful to have planets in the T.N.G system to keep your resources relatively safe :)
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After populating all of my colonies... I would have one or two inbetween the T.N.G area and yours too to avoid huge transport times.

I'm currently using a mid-way planet to get the res from T.N.G then transferring it to home planet.

And by using speedsim - If someone has a big enough fleet of BS's - No amount of defence will stop them. (Look at the bombers RF too!)
So keep as little res stored as poss...

So when you fleetsave with the harvester, stick all the rest of your unused ships along with it and put your spare res in the rest of the ships.
Still enough room for the harvested res, and if someone probes your planet, they won't be too interested in 10K metal, 5K Crystal etc. :)
OGame is working fine for me.
Well the server is working, I'm still struggling to get back to a decent state after this mornings attack. 20 Battleships all gone :cries
Badger2003 said:
Think so.... can't access site

Doh! :(
yeah me neither - may have been ok if i'd stayed on the page i was on but i refreshed so i could log in to my seperate account on another universe and it couldn't find the login page anymore

oh well, let the res's build up :D
Just got my brother to sign up and join t.n.g, tried to send him a few thousand metal, some crystal etc as I had my first decent raid and it gave me an error message of multialarm. Probably happened because we're on the same ip.

Can someone pass some res onto him please? A few thousand metal/crystal will suffice, i'll repay it if neccessary.

He's in the alliance, named Gromet, Planet wensleydale. Let me know how much you've sent on here and i'll pass it back.

Thanks in advance and I appreciate that fleet slots don't often go spare.
Yep - I can't login either... And have over 100K of deut arriving at a nearly defenceless planet in about 10 mins. :s

Uh-Oh... Will keep trying tho.
(If you were a raider and found out via MSN that the server for logging in was down - Would you not pick that as a good time to send a squad?)
bah i cant access the site !!!

i have like 300k metal, 600k crystal and 100k deut on my main planet

i wont be happy if some of that is gone by the time the server gets back up
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