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I've got a few planets :)

M = 18
C = 17
D = 14

M = 17
C = 16
D = 12

M = 16
C = 15
D = 8

M = 12
C = 10
D = 4

M = 11
C = 9
D = 3

M = 7
C = 5
D = 0

then My moon but nothing on there as yet, 6th planet on the way as well just sent colony ship.
Anarchy said:
Captain Fizz:
You've colonised a lot of planets already!
Do you raid from them all, and does it take many fleet slots to move resources around?
Yep - For 10M, 20C and 10D (cost of a colony ship) you get:
A - Point generation
B - Resource gathering
C - The ablity to specialise planets (like fRostiE's Planet 3, a deut planet)

I don't move res between them much at the mo... They are still upgrading their mines all the time. (And shipyard lvl6 on 5 of them for defence etc)

If I need a lot of Res for research, I'll make several medium length trips to one planet, then trasnfer everything in one go from the collecting planet.
So only use 3 or 4 fleetslots for 12 hours or so, then 1 fleetslot for another 8 hours. :)

SC's on each so they can shunt spare res from one planet to the other if needs be, but if you upgrade the mines in the right order (metal, metal, metal!) then they are fairly self sufficient.

Only Raid from 3 of them at the mo. But the last planet will be a raiding colony soon. :)
Thinking of repositioning two of my planet's as they are 116 field ones.
So then I should have at least one planet every couple of gal's. :)
At present:
1 x Gal1
1 x Gal3
2 x Gal5 (may delete one of these)
Rest T.N.G. :)
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memphisto said:
got one with only 43 here, going to use it for awhile longer but will ditch it in a few weeks i think.

Got one with only 45 thats now reached its limit. May as well keep it at the moment as i've only it and one other colony. The other is only 101 fields and its not far off its limit now either.
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Wallace said:
I'm on the verge of colony ships now, planning on expanding ASAP, how do you find out the number of slots of an empty planet?

You cant, luck of the draw. The middle planets in systems tend to have more fields, the further in or out you go the fewer fields they tend to have. I think 7,8,9,10 probably have the most.
melchy said:
You cant, luck of the draw. The middle planets in systems tend to have more fields, the further in or out you go the fewer fields they tend to have. I think 7,8,9,10 probably have the most.
close, 4-6 tend to have the most :). Info on planet sizes can be found here
|Thomas| said:
close, 4-6 tend to have the most :). Info on planet sizes can be found here

Cool, i didnt realise that some of the systems slightly further in had more fields. Need to look at them for my next colonies.
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