***The (renamed) official Ogame thread***

Thanks guys, thas real weird, just must be me then. :(

Nice looking isn't it. Happens regular, don't know if it's worth reporting as a bug as it's only on Ogame.

He probed me back so he's an active player and will probably have a defense that's too tough for me at the moment, but his co-ordinates have been noted :p
I had sent a probe to attack to see if it would come back, but recalled it when I realised he was active.

Would 2 probes get any extra information?
I thought you need to send two extra probes to gain the equivalent of an extra espionage level. So wouldn't I need at least 4 to see defence and fleet?
The $6m Dan said:
Any chance of help getting info on 4:149:4
5 x lvl9 probes...
Eh oh...

He has a nanite fact, and went from OOOOodles of res, to this:
Resources on Elektro VII [4:149:4] at 08-10 14:33:59
Metal: 2400 Crystal: 1050
Deuterium: 147 Energy: 4439
Small Laser 21
Metal Mine 23 Crystal Mine 20
Deuterium Synthesizer 14 Solar Plant 22
Fusion Plant 8 Robotic Factory 10
Nanite Factory 1 Shipyard 10
Metal Storage 6 Crystal Storage 5
Deuterium Tank 1 Research Lab 7

Looks like there's going to be a number of battleships appearing from this planet soon. :s
EDIT - Or he just fleet/res saved...
Well, after being probed by about 4 different people, I'd get worried! :p
(And it took 5 mins for the probes to reach)
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I'm just about to launch my first 'fleet crashing' attack, i won't get that much resources from the bloke (80k metal, 40k crystal) but i should get around 200k metal and 100k crystal from the debris field as well, i should lose around 11-12 heavy fighters and 1 or 2 large cargo's, so not too bad :p
[GSV]Lemming said:
When you launch an attack do they always get informed by a message? or does it depend on relative espionage levels?

The Esp tech lvl determines how much info you get, (or don't get) and how likely your probe's will get blown up.

Thankfully not many peeps have esp tech 9 or above. :)
Anyone need crystal? I thought I would probe him since he took a looky at my main planet and colonies together. As my probe lasted only long enough to get this info before disintegrating I dont think I will send my fleet to go get it !

Espionage Report from Midget Gems factory [1:474:11]
Resources on Midget Gems factory [1:474:11] at 08-10 14:58:37
Metal: 42227 Crystal: 994610
Deuterium: 214570 Energy: 7193

Chance of counterespionage:97%
The $6m Dan said:
What level espionage do you have fRostiE?

sry was downstairs preping food for tea :p

i have esp tech lvl 8

gonna research 9 soon... im guessing a lot of people will stop at 8 because there are no bonus advantages like there are at 2 4 and 8... but with 9 or maybe 10 i can see all, and most peoples probes will be destroyed when the try and probe me :p

my nanite factory will be under construction in 20 minutes time

got 991k metal now... would be just a tad short :p

more fleets bringing raid winnings in tho :p
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Any way of getting a good indication of a players strength?

I have relied on espionage but when outclassed I am anclined to believe he is stronger than me outright, this may not be so tho...

In this case I think I will let him lie, methinks my new battleship fleet is probably outclassed !
[GSV]Lemming said:
Espionage Report from Midget Gems factory [1:474:11]
screw the crystal - get me some Midget Gems if anyone is going :p :D

edit: oh and remember you know nothing of his fleet and he'll know everything about yours - not worth it if you ask me
[GSV]Lemming said:
Any way of getting a good indication of a players strength?

I have relied on espionage but when outclassed I am anclined to believe he is stronger than me outright, this may not be so tho...

In this case I think I will let him lie, methinks my new battleship fleet is probably outclassed !

look at the players energy output

mine for example is 4021 with my fusion reactors running at 0%

at 100% my output is 4553... i have 15,000 points so theres your rough estimation... the higher the power the more powerful really i'd say
[GSV]Lemming said:
Espionage Report from Midget Gems factory [1:474:11]
LOL - Look at the stats page...

You don't want to be probing him! :p
(4th in Uni3)
And have a look in the CR section in the forums, or search for Midget Gems on the forums...

His fleet is HEYOOOOGE.

Seems like a nice enough chap tho. :)
well i've got the resources for the nanite factory now, but i cant build it apparently the non existant factory is working ??!?!

the only thing thats building is my shipyard... so i have to wait another 3 hours 10 minutes by the looks of that... be sure im not going to log off and watch for any incoming probes and/or fleets :p
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