***The (renamed) official Ogame thread***

Mikharper said:
If anyone fancys sending me a care package, just so im only waiting on time, not resources for a few days - 2:132:12 :)
Should be able to... By the end of today of not sooner. :)

And a planet for you to look at once you get SC's - Not the best farm, but enough for your first raid:
Resources on World Of Wrestling [2:132:8] at 08-12 12:53:40
Metal: 18797 Crystal: 7392
Deuterium: 0 Energy: 48
Metal Mine 3 Crystal Mine 2
Solar Plant

EDIT - For those sending Res (inc yourself Davey) - Just read this from bibob on the Ogame forums:
When you get the res from a weaker guy, he pushes you ----> you both get banned

When you get the res from a stronger guy and send it back in 1 week, you push him ---> you both get banned...
So it looks like sending res to a greater plaer is always bad news, for either party.

One way of getting round it though... Trade 10K Metal for 50K deut for example.
Last edited:
Resources on xxxxxx [x:xxx:x] at 08-12 13:32:37
Metal: 2008250 Crystal: 916140
Deuterium: 579815 Energy: 6610
Chance of counterespionage:100%

Now THAT is a colony :p
Now that is a colony!! I want one....Gotta save up me duet for my colony ship, i sent my first one out only got 60 fields on the planet :( (Which ive deleted now)so gunna give it another go as soon as i save up the duet which could be a while....Ah well, good things come to those who wait...I Guess :D
wish i knew about the res disappearing with the colony ship the other day. thought hmm this colony ship holds plenty so i filled up and sent it on an overnight trip to galaxy 2.

woke up and OMFG where the hell has my res gone ARGH...
andy8271 said:
wish i knew about the res disappearing with the colony ship the other day. thought hmm this colony ship holds plenty so i filled up and sent it on an overnight trip to galaxy 2.

woke up and OMFG where the hell has my res gone ARGH...

I did exact the same with my first colony attempt...right pain in the rear to say the least!!! oh well, atleast i know for next time :cool: :p
Mikharper said:
If anyone fancys sending me a care package, just so im only waiting on time, not resources for a few days - 2:132:12 :)

edit - Im in the allience now, Liking the spinning logo :)
I'll send you one now, I have the res spare and the time to kill :)

Edit: I'm in a good mood, 25k metal, 15k crystal, 10k deut on it's way to you, will be there in just over 3 hours :)
Captain Fizz said:
EDIT - For those sending Res (inc yourself Davey) - Just read this from bibob on the Ogame forums:

So it looks like sending res to a greater plaer is always bad news, for either party.

One way of getting round it though... Trade 10K Metal for 50K deut for example.

Cheers for that. Thankfully the guy who was threatening me has been banned anyway for multiple accounts, and I wasn't going to send the res anyway in the end :)
I've got a couple of really poor ones, 23 and 58 fileds :(
But then I've got the beer tent, a whopping 210 fields :D don't think I'll need all that space for a while yet though.
guys I desperately need 100K of deut (the dreaded computer tech lvl 10 :(), everyone I raid seems to only have a couple K of the stuff and it's driving me insane! I know some have you have offered before but I don't know if you've already given it away so message me ingame (morgan141, 4:191:10) and I can trade for metal, crystal or both.
im starting to get there now. is 5000 points when you come out of noobness????

i hope not as im nearly there and i only have 10 battleships! gonna need loads more. and my defence is good for a noob, but poor for a nonnoob.
I raided some guy yesterday, wasnt in an alliance, wasnt really that amazing:
5k Metal 5k Crystal 0 Det
This morning i wake up to this in my messages:
08-12 10:24:30 Richboy141 [2:42:8] hello
if u r going to attack me i would warn u
i hav a firend weve a BIG fleet and in
a BIG team (GBA)

your richboy141

Do you thinks hes bluffing? I'll probably steer clear from him from now on anyways :p i just dont wanna have to worry about losing what pitiful stuff i have!
uh oh... one guy who ive been raiding for the last 2 weeks nearly is back now. and i wonder how long it will be before he realises ive had the best part of 1000000+ of his resources lol. 7 planets and all teched up... but no fleet.... yet.
Well I've just sent my 2nd colony ship to the TNG planet, it's a 30 hour round trip and it's on the 12th planet so knowing my luck it's going to have something stupid like 30 fields. :(
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