***The (renamed) official Ogame thread***

he's messaged me from another planet now a bit threatening, not sure if i should probe there dont wanna get my rear kicked, just rebuilt after the last time :(
memphisto said:
just found someone with 1.8mill duet and pretty carp defence :eek:

Resources on Tsjuder [3:40:14] at 08-15 14:27:25
Metal: 5468 Crystal: 2316
Deuterium: 1739680 Energy: 2890
Missile Launcher 56 Small Laser 51
Gauss Cannon 1 Small Shield Dome 1
Large Shield Dome 1 Anti-ballistic Missile 10
And because you left the address in you'll be lucky to get 10k :p
I wasn't going to attack him anyway, he's too far away. Plus I have more than enough deut.

I don't really want to probe him either since I have over 2mil of res lying around and nowhere near enough of a fleet to fleetsave it all :p
Player is inactive near me, have no ships though:(

11 T [Merchant] Planet X ( Rex1165(i) )

There is a debris field, not sure what these mean though :- M:2.700 K:1.500 i can give co-ordinates?
if i start attacking clans will i get any backup? :D im feeling the need to test my battleships and cruisers lol. wont be for a couple of days though. ;)

advanced warning. :D
I've got 2 inactive planets near me but having only started the other day don't have any ships to send over. If you want the co-ords let me know.
Have just found what is saying another inactive player with a debris feild of M:27,000 and 16,800 K anyone want co-ordinates and give me a cut;)
Spanker said:
Have just found what is saying another inactive player with a debris feild of M:27,000 and 16,800 K anyone want co-ordinates and give me a cut;)
Not enough to interest most of our members I'm afraid. Just out of interest spanker have you got your 'getting started' res package? If you give me your co-ords I'll send you a little something :)
gord said:
[IVI IVI] Slab ( salam ) in 3:331:5

i SHALL make it my sole objective to destroy this guy

hes pretty near to me so when my fleet gets back from its raiding holiday at my galaxy 2 colony then ill join you in the destruction.

oh and i just built my 5th colony and yet again under 60 fields. not deleting though i use them as bases to attack from
|Thomas| said:
Not enough to interest most of our members I'm afraid. Just out of interest spanker have you got your 'getting started' res package? If you give me your co-ords I'll send you a little something :)

Have made my own way so far but struggling a lot at the moment, i would be very greatfull for any res. Turion64 ( spanker ) Position 2:14:6 Uni 3 :)
Spanker said:
Have made my own way so far but struggling a lot at the moment, i would be very greatfull for any res. Turion64 ( spanker ) Position 2:14:6 Uni 3 :)
Hmm you're quite far away from me (gal 4), I'll send something anyway it just might take a while. How much will you be interested in?
|Thomas| said:
Hmm you're quite far away from me (gal 4), I'll send something anyway it just might take a while. How much will you be interested in?

I'll leave it up to you, as i said anything is appreciated, struggling to research engines at the mo, can only build light fighter and need to build higher lvl shipyard. Thanks for any help though. :cool:
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