***The (renamed) official Ogame thread***

The $6m Dan said:
Finally got the nanite factory build on the go, only 2 days to go :/
It's not like I can really build anything until it's complete either, no more buildings, no fleet or defense. All my researches take ages now too :( Not in 2 days time though :D

Don't you have any colonies that you can build on? I'm just waiting for the right time to send my fleet on with a ton of resources, as with a bit of tweaking at my other worlds they'll soon be ready for nanite factories themselves :)
helpimcrap said:
hmmm my colony is under attack... poo.

Resources on Ka-Wazy [2:346:6] at 08-15 17:21:59
Metal: 3167 Crystal: 4493
Deuterium: 78878 Energy: 3229
Light Fighter 33 Recycler 2
Espionage Probe 8
Missile Launcher 243 Small Laser 257
Heavy Laser 1 Gauss Cannon 13
Ion Cannon 16 Small Shield Dome 1
Large Shield Dome 1 Anti-ballistic Missile 20
Metal Mine 21 Crystal Mine 17
Deuterium Synthesizer 14 Solar Plant 21
Fusion Plant 2 Robotic Factory 7
Shipyard 7 Metal Storage 4
Crystal Storage 3 Deuterium Tank 2
Research Lab 7 Rocket Silo 2

Chance of counterespionage:100%

sending 3 ships. none of them fighters.... :confused:
I sent a few waves of probes at him and he's messaged me to say he's called off the attack :)
he messaged me a few times was in convo with him, was watching the cricket and he sent me 2 messages asking me to call the alliance off lol

anyway you might wanna put up some defence etc at that colony helpme
memphisto said:
he messaged me a few times was in convo with him, was watching the cricket and he sent me 2 messages asking me to call the alliance off lol

anyway you might wanna put up some defence etc at that colony helpme

already have some light lasers and fighters there now. 10 cruisers would have got there 2 mins before he made it too. ;)
st4g said:
I have been playing for about 3 weeks now and have applied to join T.N.G but no reply so far :confused: ...
I don't see any pending requests on the alliance page...

I'd resubmit your application.

And no spare fleetslots free at the mo... :s
Right been slowly upgrading things, but still dont know how to build 'probes' and although I have 7 small cargo`s (my whole fleet upto now) and an inactive player in my own galaxy I have no clue as to how to 'raid' :) - I get it you need the planets co-ords, but how do i get that information? Should I wait until I have probes before I go raiding?
Mikharper said:
Right been slowly upgrading things, but still dont know how to build 'probes' and although I have 7 small cargo`s (my whole fleet upto now) and an inactive player in my own galaxy I have no clue as to how to 'raid' :) - I get it you need the planets co-ords, but how do i get that information? Should I wait until I have probes before I go raiding?
To build probes you need:

Shipyard(level 3)
Combustion Engine(level 3)
Espionage Technology(level 2)

To raid, you need to send a fleet (usually cargo ships plus fighters) to a planet. If your fleet has a greater attack power than the defence, you will win and steal up to 50% of their resources.

When starting out, the best way of raiding is looking through the nearby Galaxies for anyone with a (i) or (Ii) next to their names. These are inactive players who are unlikely to retaliate. Until you have probes, if you post the co-ords of any inactive players you find one of us can probe him and let you know if he's worth attacking :)
To attack a player - Go to fleet... Select your cargo's (however many) and send them to the planet co-ords, and select the mission type as attacking.
(Do NOT send any resources with them!! Just leave the res fields blank)

To get a probe, you need:
Shipyard(level 3)
Combustion Engine(level 3)
Espionage Technology(level 2)

Look in your Technology tree often to see what you need to build/research to get item xxx.

Usually you would probe the target, and if sucessful, you will find out what amount of resources they have, how much defences they have and a fleet if any.

If they are inactive, 90% of the time they do not have any defence.

Until you get esp probes, post on here and we should be able to probe them for you. (My fleetslots are full atm though)

Once you get probes and cargo's running 24/7 - Resources come flying in. :D

EDIT - Must have been a while ago I refreshed...
And nicely done Womble - Now keep on top of the other players - Stop them from advancing. ;)
Make sure you are the stongest person for 20SS's either side. :D
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Right thanks to the 2 posts above :) I wont get far if i dont try things, so Ive sent 2 cargos to 2:132:8 - Obviously if he has defences then il lose my 2 ships, but Il see how it goes.
Mikharper said:
Right thanks to the 2 posts above :) I wont get far if i dont try things, so Ive sent 2 cargos to 2:132:8 - Obviously if he has defences then il lose my 2 ships, but Il see how it goes.
I get some spare fleet slots in 4 mins, I'll send a couple of probes at him if I can and let you know whether to draw your fleet back or not :)
Mikharper said:
Right thanks to the 2 posts above :) I wont get far if i dont try things, so Ive sent 2 cargos to 2:132:8 - Obviously if he has defences then il lose my 2 ships, but Il see how it goes.
You're fine with him, espionage report shows...

Resources on World Of Wrestling [2:132:8] at 08-15 19:31:08
Metal: 27478 Crystal: 11050
Deuterium: 0 Energy: 48
Metal Mine 3 Crystal Mine 2
Solar Plant 2
Chance of counterespionage:0%

So your cargo ships will get a fair bit from there :)
the_brainaic said:
can someone message me ingame (1:329:11) and tell me where the TNG calaxy is so that I can send a colony ship over?
You're best messaging jcdaviesx, as he's the one who sorts it out. I could tell you where it is but I have no idea if anyone else is en route, while jc should do.
andy8271 said:
womble do you have an alliance in uni8 ? im thinking of starting in there too :)

I have just joined one but it hasnt updated the statistics yet. The amount of messages I get from alliances begging me to join is just funny! Am in DeRanGeD which has 5 members at the moment. 3 in the top 10, me (13) and one other in the 20s.

If you get up there then sure you can join, but as I am not in control, I doubt any people out of the top 100 will be allowed.

To think 2 days ago I was 500
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