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yeah but it depends on the level, i only have espionage tech lvl 2 if he has higher or the same it restricts what info i can find out i think.

Espionage technology is the research into data sensors and intelligence equipment and knowledge that an empire needs in order to protect itself from foreign spy attacks and conduct such ones itself. The more advanced this technology is, the more details can be obtained from foreign empires.

For espionage probes and their chance of success, the difference between the own and the foreign espionage technology level is important. The more the own technology is upgraded, the more information a probe can obtain and the smaller the chance it gets detected by the foreign planetary forces. The more probes are sent, the more details will be delivered - but likewise the chance for being discovered is increased as well.
The upgrade level of the espionage technology also defines the level of details about an approaching fleet:
- Level 2 adds the number of total ships to the info about the fleet
- Level 4 then adds types of ships that are approaching to the data
- Level 8 finally offers details about type and number of the approaching ships.

In general, espionage technology is very important to every empire, be it an aggressive one or a friendly one. It is proposed to start researching into this area right after small cargo ships can be produced.

guess he has better espionage tech than me, wouldnt go near him yet tbh.
uhm...i just built a Solar Satellite, but its not there:s its taken my resources to make it too but i cant see it anywhere :eek: :(

edit: oops nm, i just noticed my shipyards status is 'working', so i guess its making it for me :)
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memphisto said:
if anyone wants me to espionage a planet for you give me the co ords, takes about 1-2 minutes as the espionage droids are fast as hell :p



top one preferably, but both would be a huge bonus :D, ta
memphisto said:
top one en route take 2 mins :)

thanks very much :)

if it comes out good i can have a cargo ship built in 32 mins and then raid it to hopefully recooup the resources the cargo ship requires to build,

if it doesnt come back good, i'll have to save for a higher solar plant then some fighters and a cargo... bit of a long way round tho !
seems ok tbh defo enough for one cargo ship

Resources on adrx [4:262:11] at 07-14 21:14:33
Metal: 8221 Crystal: 13384
Deuterium: 1778 Energy: 212
Metal Mine 3 Crystal Mine 6
Deuterium Synthesizer 2 Solar Plant 6
Metal Storage 1 Crystal Storage 2
Research Lab 3

so no defence or fleets at present.

will do the second one when the probe comes back :)
thanks :)

so if i send my cargo ship out, it'll be fine n that as there is no defence...

but how many times can i send it? can i send it, let it return then send it again then once more (3 times) any more is against the rules correct ?
second one seems a bit strange tbh

Resources on wargods [4:262:6] at 07-14 21:19:49
Metal: 10167 Crystal: 5148
Deuterium: 0 Energy: 22
Solar Plant 1

seems he has no defence or fleets but has quite a bit of resource but only a lvl 1 solar plant. could be i dont have the necessary espionage tech to get anymore info or could be thats all he has got ?
fRostiE said:
thanks :)

so if i send my cargo ship out, it'll be fine n that as there is no defence...

but how many times can i send it? can i send it, let it return then send it again then once more (3 times) any more is against the rules correct ?

maximumof 3 times to the same planet in the same day. may take 3+ hours though to get it there and back.
im in the same system just afew plannets away but we shall see.. cargo ship completes in 25 mins

i'll stick with the first planet, it looks safer :)

thanks memphisto, big help mate :D
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