Espionage technology is the research into data sensors and intelligence equipment and knowledge that an empire needs in order to protect itself from foreign spy attacks and conduct such ones itself. The more advanced this technology is, the more details can be obtained from foreign empires.
For espionage probes and their chance of success, the difference between the own and the foreign espionage technology level is important. The more the own technology is upgraded, the more information a probe can obtain and the smaller the chance it gets detected by the foreign planetary forces. The more probes are sent, the more details will be delivered - but likewise the chance for being discovered is increased as well.
The upgrade level of the espionage technology also defines the level of details about an approaching fleet:
- Level 2 adds the number of total ships to the info about the fleet
- Level 4 then adds types of ships that are approaching to the data
- Level 8 finally offers details about type and number of the approaching ships.
In general, espionage technology is very important to every empire, be it an aggressive one or a friendly one. It is proposed to start researching into this area right after small cargo ships can be produced.