Hehe, nice little raids, its especially great when you send off these:
Attacker Killerkebab [1:125:7]
Weapons: 110% Shields: 100% Hull Plating: 110%
Battle Ship 337
Destroyer 20
Defender McNabb [1:95:10]
Weapons: 90% Shields: 80% Hull Plating: 90%
Large Cargo 5
Battle Ship 105
Recycler 2
Espionage Probe 10
Bomber 19
Missile Launcher 46
Small Laser 17
Heavy Laser 5
Gauss Cannon 16
Ion Cannon 11
Plasma Cannon 7
Small Shield Dome 1
Veni Vidi Vici?
Attacker Killerkebab [x:xxx:xx]
Battle Ship 329
Destroyer 20
Defender McNabb [x:xxx:xx]
The attacker has won the battle!
He captures
27.202 Metal,
49.843 Crystal and
15.981 Deuterium
The attacker has lost a total of
480000 Units.
The defender has lost a total of
9.361.000 Units.
At these space coordinates now float
1.656.000 Metal and
836.100 Crystal.
The chance for a moon to arise from the debris is 20 %
Even if the captured resource is a bit crap, this hit was really, really worth it because:
Yes, the floating debris is all mine, taken in by recyclers. A gain of 2 million in six hours
Also, someone asked what classes as big. Nothing does, because eventually you'll reach a level where what was big, just isn't. Example, my current stage in Universe 2:
Lunar Base (Level 7 )
Since the moon has no atmosphere, a lunar base is required to generate habitable space. Each level of a lunar base provides 3 lunar fields that can be used to build structures.
Requires: Metal:2.560.000 Crystal:5.120.000 Deuterium:2.560.000
Production time: 16 days 0h 00m 00s
Sensor Phalanx (Level 7 )
Using the sensor phalanx, fleets of other empires can be discovered and observed. The bigger the sensor phalanx array, the bigger the range it can scan.
Requires: Metal:2.560.000 Crystal:5.120.000 Deuterium:2.560.000
Production time: 16 days 0h 00m 00s
Nanite Factory (Level 2 )
A nanite factory is the ultimate evolution of robotics. Every upgraded level provides for more and more efficient nanites to increase the speed of construction.
Requires: Metal:4.000.000 Crystal:2.000.000 Deuterium:400.000
Production time: 2 days 6h 32m 43s
Metal Mine (Level 23 )
Metal mines provide the basic resources of an emerging empire and allow the construction of buildings and ships.
Requires: Metal:673.364 Crystal:168.341
Production time: 7h 39m 06s
Crystal Mine (Level 21 )
Crystals are the main resource used to build electronic circuits and form certain alloy compounds.
Requires: Metal:928.455 Crystal:464.227
Production time: 12h 39m 38s
Deuterium Synthesizer (Level 20 )
Deuterium is used as fuel for spaceships and is harvested in the deep sea. Deuterium is a rare substance and is thus relatively expensive.
Requires: Metal:748.182 Crystal:249.394
Production time: 9h 04m 07s
Solar Plant (Level 25 )
Solar power plants convert solar photonic energy into electrical energy for use by almost all buildings and structures.
Requires: Metal:1.893.837 Crystal:757.535
Production time: 1 day 0h 06m 12s
Things really do get pretty big, and I am only ranked 130th