***The (renamed) official Ogame thread***

Captain Fizz said:
Hello folks,

A wee scan on 2 peeps that have not been logged in for 2 weeks would be really handy. :)

1:482:1T and 4T
(Don't know why the "T" is there though...)

Not showing as a weak or strong player so as long as he has no defences, by Sat I'll hopefully be able to send a wee cargo or two. :)

EDIT - Sunday or Monday or so. ;)

The "T" next to a planet means there's debris there. Hover over it and it will tell you how much. If you have a recycler you can send it to the planets co-ords (but change where it says planet to DF) and harvest it
Ahh - And it more than likely has debris due to failed attacks on it. :eek:

Methinks I may try to harvest the debris, but if something created this debris (planetary defenses) then I'll not send any more to add to the debris!

And is there any chance of the recyclers getting blasted into more debris?
Cheers sah. :D
07-15 12:32:15 Fleet Command Espionage Report from Retribution [3:472:12]
Resources on Retribution [3:472:12] at 07-15 12:32:15
Metal: 46048 Crystal: 31827
Deuterium: 23444 Energy: 161
Missile Launcher 1
Metal Mine 5 Crystal Mine 6
Deuterium Synthesizer 4 Solar Plant 5
Robotic Factory 2 Shipyard 3
Research Lab 3
Espionage Technology 2 Computer Technology 1
Armour Technology 1 Energy Technology 1
Combustion Engine 3 Impulse Engine 1

Chance of counterespionage:0%


P.S you just gotta love esp tech lvl 8 :D
1 missile launcher ?!?!?

to protect all that ?!

jcdaviesx1980 how many light fighters would i need to take out say one missile launcher ?
Erm I have just been accepted into the Alliance (thanks guys) can I request some metal? I have like 3 and built the stuff in wrong order and cant do anything for like ages now :D :D

In game name is Noxis :D
Im in as well :) building away slowly though any donations of metal or anything else would do wonders :p

My ingame name is "Deack"
Noxis / AlienWhere

people need you planet co-ordinates to donate resources... if you ask nicely jcdaviesx1980 might give you a starter pack of resources to get you going :p
I'd still like some resources if people can help me out (for the third time of asking :p). Plant name is Gaiden, location is 2:240:9. All resources welcome, but Metal and Deuterium would be most helpful as I'm working towards building my first ships. :)
I told myself I wasn't going to ask for any help in the resources but I am not doing to well while tring to get mystuff upgraded.

Woundering if anyone can send me some resources, mainly Crystal and Metal.

3:472:7 Radma - In game name Luke25
Sorry to ask but need a tad bit of help

enter them into your fleet commands and it should give you an ETA...at least i think it gives you one before you confirm the mission
I was looking for something I could work out so I could keep my "turnaround" time to a minimum. There is a formula on the help forum, but it's far too complicated for my liking.
well, launched my first raid, should hit in an hour and a quarter, wish me luck
and feel free to espionage it (3:59:6) before I get there in case its an uber defended planet :D

dun wanna loose my only shippie
Velocity219e said:
well, launched my first raid, should hit in an hour and a quarter, wish me luck
and feel free to espionage it (3:59:6) before I get there in case its an uber defended planet :D

dun wanna loose my only shippie

give me 40 mins to get enough resources / research compuer tech / send the drone and get the report

will post back when i have it :)
Do you have to do anything with lasers or missile lauchers after they have been built. Mine says something like x available, do you have to activate the or is that them ready to defend you ?
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