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i will do in 10-15 mins, just need 28 more crystal then 6:00 mins to build it

then it'll take 3 mins to get there so i should have a report for you in 15 :)
sorry guys at work now and having some mates over tonight, so probably wont be able to espionage for a day or two.

currently upgrading my espionage tech (or was before i went to work should be done now) to level 3 though so hopefully will be able to get better information for you over the weekend.

go into your fleet section, if your cargo ship is going somewhere there should be a button to call it back

to attack someone you simple select the ship, tell it where to go, select attack.. and leave the cargo ship empty

you want to check that guy out before you go sending ships in he may have defences

just because his name is white doesnt mean its safe to attack it just means you can phyiscally attack him

i would check that guy out for you but i dont have a probe yet

Thanks for the help man.

Ganna wait and see if someone can send a probe for me and then I will see what happens.
been on and of fthis since it started....just started robotics factory level 1

metal mine 6
crystal mine 2
Deuterium Synthesizer 1
solar plant 7

i know im much much further behuind everyone but i been busy this week :p lol
ah, it appears i cant send my probe out until my cargo ships return

21 minutes until that happens... sry !

G18241 said:
i know im much much further behuind everyone but i been busy this week :p lol

you must have a ton of resources tho ?!

where was it you said your planet was ;) :D
HI got another question. I am looking at how to send a cargo ship to a planet.

on the page where you pic to attack or transport whats the box on the right all about?

is it how much of each recourse you want to steal from his planet ?
no, thats how much you want to send

if your attacking a planet with a cargo ship you leave it blank so it has as much space as possible to bring back stolen items

Resources on Retribution [3:472:12] at 07-15 11:42:36
Metal: 45952 Crystal: 31766
Deuterium: 23402 Energy: 161

Chance of counterespionage:0%

i wouldnt attack him mate, it doesnt say what defence he has - his espionage level is clearly higher than mine (level 2) and blocking my view of his defence and fleet type/size
OK thanks for the help mate, much appriciated

all the people in my galaxy are in red (thats means there strong)

so how can I possible raid?

Any tips please?

And if you recall a ship how long dose it take to get back?
probably the same length of time its been going in the outward direction

my tip for raiding would be to look to another universe if yours is full of strong people
no can do until my cargo ships return from a raid which will be in 2 hours 10 minutes

if the first two are appearing as week in your galaxy view then you cannot attack them

if 6 is appearing white then it is possible to attack that one


does anybody know if i upgrade my research to computer tech lvl 1 can i have 2 fleets going at once, it seams at the moment i can only send one wave or group of ships out at any one time
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