***The (renamed) official Ogame thread***


Does your espionage tech level carry over to your colonies? If not, how do I make them higher?

Am I building the right things on my colonies, I am building mines, power, shipyards, and defence?
All research applies to all planets. :)

And yes, mines, mines and some more mines... Shipyard too.
Defence, some token defence would be good... I'd have a reasonable defence but some people only use small shield domes! :p
lol been away since monday and only managed to set my fleet to do a 48 hour fleetsave... so they returned late tuesday.

I was banking on the fact i'd be able to get online on hol, but wasn't able to.

Returned, expected to see the worst.... saw 26 messages.... and a red one across my screen - 10 minutes to some guy coming at me with 450 BS's. I politley messaged him saying I would be spending/fleetsaving - and to try again next time you unlucky SOB ;)

He had 5 days and chose to do it at the minute I was ariving back :p (450k met, 310k crys, 120 odd k of duet were on the planet :p)

Thanks Captain Fizz, my colonies are quite well defended. They are certainly a lot better than the sort of people I scan/attack. :D

What sort of techs are not worth bothering with after a while, for instance is Ion tech worth continiuing after level 4?
Ian Mac said:
What sort of techs are not worth bothering with after a while, for instance is Ion tech worth continiuing after level 4?
Look in your tech tree.
If there is nothing that needs it - Not much point in going further in it.

Once you have a high enough lvl in Comp and Esp tech, it's W/A/S and Engines that are the most upgraded after that.
Raymond Lin said:
CAn someone probe 1:409:10 for me? or anything around that area that is easy to raid please?
Aim to get Esp Tech lvl2 and get your esp probes on the go.
I had them within a week (with no starter packs ;) ) so you should be able to get that very shortly.

Resources on azazel prime [1:409:10] at 09-02 22:09:05
Metal: 15140 Crystal: 16285
Deuterium: 6786 Energy: 1594
Small Shield Dome 1 <- Cargo's cannot get through shield domes

Resources on planetearth [1:407:10] at 09-02 22:09:20
Metal: 16970 Crystal: 8044
Deuterium: 2730 Energy: 1356

Resources on Morodor [1:406:9] at 09-02 22:09:33
Metal: 44691 Crystal: 20722
Deuterium: 44 Energy: 117
Missile Launcher 2 Small Shield Dome 1 <- Too many defences

Resources on BrigsPad [1:405:10] at 09-02 22:09:41
Metal: 71986 Crystal: 21753
Deuterium: 5398 Energy: 5788
Anti-ballistic Missile 10 Interplanetary Missiles 2
Metal Mine 22 Crystal Mine 21
Deuterium Synthesizer 17 Solar Plant 24

^^^ What a farm. :eek:

Had to send 6 probes to BrigsPad to get the full tech. But they are some mines! :D
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I've just probed all of a players planets in one fell swoop, and am now in the process of attacking him. I receive the message:

09-03 01:18:30 *his name here* [xx:xx:xx] No subject
**** off you p***k

It was received as starred out, am i at fault here, breaking any rules, ive checked them, and i'm sure im not bashing him. If i'm not breaking any rules, why would he act like this, because it has in no-way put me off recalling my fleet :confused:

I sent:
Were you excluded from manners school?

In reply but he's yet to respond, so what should i do, just carry on with the attack?

I'm planning on re probing him just before i hit him, to make sure he has res-saved etc.. Although he didnt seem to have any ships to do some with, so i dont know.

P.S. Im stronger than him from the looks of things although he has way more planets than me. I have a much better defence than all his planets put together, and same goes for his fleet (or what i know he has anyways). He also isn't in an alliance!

So whats gonna go horribly wrong for me then? :D

//Edit: Not to hurry anyone but you've got 38mins to give me advice before i hit his planet! Please? :D
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Sounds like a male genetailia so i'd go ahead with it.

But he knows about it all so you might get nothing. But still do it anyway just because he was rude.
Hehe, ok, thanks guys, just needed the "i'm in the right" push. I didn't like his attitude at all, if he'd pleaded i might have felt sorry for him and just hit maybe one planet, but not after that! His fault, too many resources, too little defence.
Captain Fizz said:
Look in your tech tree.
If there is nothing that needs it - Not much point in going further in it.

Once you have a high enough lvl in Comp and Esp tech, it's W/A/S and Engines that are the most upgraded after that.

You NEVER have enough in esp tech.
Captain Fizz said:
Mr K Kebab... Now that we have some sort of perspective concerning the game - What is the current status of your Planet's / fleet?

And how long you have been playing for?

Just so we know what target's to aim for. ;)

Cheers sah.

I've been away for ages, so I don't have a fleet in uni 2 any more. I can give you my mines if you wish, and my research.

Nanite 1 on all planets, Nanite 2 on one planet.
Lowest metal mine is level 22, highest 25 (On four planets at the moment)
Lowest crystal mine is level 20, highest 23 (On two planets at the moment)
Lowest deuterium mine is level 18, highest 21 (One planet only so far)
Lowest solar plant is 22, highest 27.
My colder planets have up to level 10 fusion plants to cover what solar sats can't (Never more than 60/70 on any planet anyway).

I have one moon with level 7 robotic factory, level 7 phalanx, and level 7 lunar base.


Espionage 12
Computer 10
Weapons 10
Shields 10
Armour 11
Energy 8
Hyperspace tech 7
Combustion 10
Impulse 6
Hyperspace engine 5
Laser 10
Ion 5
Plasma 7

Score: 170,000 points.
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