im getting to the point were i can have upto 100k of metal or crystal required for an upgrade and i am thinking that this will start to make me interesting to others of a similar sort of level to my self as that is the numbers i look for when sending out waves to raid, so i have been beefing up my defence when i have spare metal/crystal around waiting for the deut to collect.
I have both sheilds in place, a good collection of missile launchers building up, a small collection of small and heavy lasers, and 1 ion cannon.
what i am interested in is what is it best to increase, are gauss cannon worth the expense? small lasers may offer best bang for buck but is it better to spend big on heavy lasers? and finally what do you need in place to save your self from some of the fleets you people have (the several hundered battleships type of fleets)?
Dr Z