***The (renamed) official Ogame thread***

I doubt there's anything wrong with the messaging system - Davey's a busy boy and like anyone else he has a limited number of fleet slots

I expect he meant to send you a care package after he'd been raiding and then it slipped his mind - he'll probably see your post here and remember now though :)

edit: damn that slow refresh thingy :p
gord said:
This guy is containing me... i cant get enough battleships to take him down.
You in Gal1 or 2??

If so, move fleetbuilding to at least 3 or 4.

5 or 6 if you want to build a fleet in relative safety, but then have lots of deut to take it into target rich 3 & 4.
Killerkebab said:
Basically, your fleet CANNOT be phalanxed if you recall its deploy mission. Thus you're safe.
Yeah, that's true.
Deut cost for fleet saves is going to be painful though, unless I colonise somewhere near one of my planets (and just keep going back and forth)...

gord said:
Gords Update
+ Good
- Forgetting about Ogame for a few days to come back to loads of resource.
+ Bad
- Using some of the resource immediately. Only to find the next day some moron with 130 battleships crashed your 25 strong battleship fleet...THAT you have now built up twice. This guy is containing me... i cant get enough battleships to take him down.

+ Future
- Secret stockpiling of resources. Amassing a huge army and crushing this Fag.
Were you phalanxed?
If you're going to build up a fleet, you really do have the fleet save.
To do this fleet saving business...is there some sort of tool that sends your ships away when your about to get attacked...

This guy has obviously worked out im english and is using the timezones against me.
gord said:
To do this fleet saving business...is there some sort of tool that sends your ships away when your about to get attacked...

This guy has obviously worked out im english and is using the timezones against me.
There isn't such a tool, thank God.
gord said:
To do this fleet saving business...is there some sort of tool that sends your ships away when your about to get attacked...

This guy has obviously worked out im english and is using the timezones against me.
Basically, fleet saving means sending your fleet away for the amount of time you are offline for.

So overnight you get all of your ships, fill them with resources, and send the on a slow mission (deployment / harvest / attack / what ever), so that when you log on, your fleet survived the night - and is arriving back from the mission.

It's important to note that harvests and attacks are return missions (so send them to arrive half way through the night), whereas deployment missions are one way.

You should fleet save whenever you're away for more than about 2 hours (or however long you think it'll take for someone to crash your fleet).
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Anarchy said:
You should fleet save whenever you're away for more than about 2 hours (or however long you think it'll take for someone to crash your fleet).

That's about 30 mins in some cases, battleships sent from within the same solar system take about 30-35 mins to get there.
Davey_Pitch said:
That's about 30 mins in some cases, battleships sent from within the same solar system take about 30-35 mins to get there.
True - but you'd be quite unlucky imo.

I guess it depends how paranoid / unlucky you think you are - but I doubt any/many people here have done a 40 minute fleet save. ;)

2 hours is a bit much tbh - but I was trying to make fleet saving seem less of a task for gord. :p
Heheh, I never fleet save for anything less than 2 hours. If someone is good enough to time their strike in the 30 mins I'm away from the pc, they deserve to crush me.
Davey_Pitch said:
That's about 30 mins in some cases, battleships sent from within the same solar system take about 30-35 mins to get there.
Tell me about it :( I put the co-ord in wrong and attacked the wrong planet and have since been hit twice by 467b/s.

Suppose it will teach me to make sure the co-ords are right :)
Anyone in the need for duet? I would post on the TNG boards but i havent been accepted yet. I have approx 400k "lying around" if anyone wants all of it i'll accept 600k metal and 400k crystal. Otherwise make an offer, but i dont really want millions of small offers :p.
Found some good inactive co-ord if any one want them I dont have enough firepower since being hit. I checked his rank and he 1000 and something.:)
09-21 09:02:53 Fleet Command Espionage Report from GAVA [1:361:11]
Resources on GAVA [1:361:11] at 09-21 09:02:53
Metal: 700845 Crystal: 304934
Deuterium: 262782 Energy: 5815

Chance of counterespionage:86%
09-21 09:02:41 Fleet Command Espionage Report from cupa [1:361:8]
Resources on cupa [1:361:8] at 09-21 09:02:41
Metal: 329754 Crystal: 96645
Deuterium: 24488 Energy: 2324

Chance of counterespionage:0%
I'm coming out of newbie protection soon so thing's are going to get a lot more interesting (4700 points). I've built up a lot of defenses and got myself a couple of battleships but what I'd like to know is what people think is a good setup for main plants and colonies?
Killerkebab said:
Basically, your fleet CANNOT be phalanxed if you recall its deploy mission. Thus you're safe.

Guess you havent been playing for long nearly lost a fleet of over 160 ships the other day because it was phalanxed AFTER being recalled on a deploy mission. I had 5sec to turn my fleet around and run :D

The only safe way to avoid a phalanx is to deploy your fleet on a moon.
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