***The (renamed) official Ogame thread***

Davey_Pitch said:
You need Impuse Engine level 6 if you want to make bombers, which you should always have a few of, they're ideal for base busting.

Missed that, but after that there is no point right?

as for the spyware macca672 i havent had a problem but if i remember correctly there was something about it on the ogame forum and the responsible ads were removed i think.

Dr Z
Just found this guy if anyone wants him:

Resources on Colony [1:422:2] at 10-04 17:15:18
Metal: 64518 Crystal: 43284
Deuterium: 27762 Energy: 1161
Light Fighter 11 Heavy Fighter 1
Cruiser 1 Recycler 1
Espionage Probe 9 Solar Satellite 12
Small Laser 1
Metal Mine 10 Crystal Mine 11
Deuterium Synthesizer 6 Solar Plant 10
Fusion Plant 1 Robotic Factory 2
Shipyard 7

Chance of counterespionage:0%
Between 10 and 20 SS normally, b ut I have ranged further afield.

The only non-Allied planets around me are crap.
Davey_Pitch said:
None, except maybe to upgrade the speed of your ships slightly. I'd rather spend the res on actually getting the ships.
For him, I'd say leave upgrading it until you have more ships, and can afford it relatively easily.

I'm surprised you don't upgrade them though.
More speed = more raids = more profit. :)

It also gives people less time to see you coming, so theoretically it makes crashes more likely to be successful.

I have Combustion 11, Impulse 9, and Hyperspace 7.
I'm considering upgrading to Combustion 12, so my fleets aren't slowed down quite as much by large cargos.

More info for those interested:
Each level of Combustion increases the speed of combustion powered ships by 10% of their base speed.
Impulse by 20%.
Hyperspace by 30%.

You can tell what powers a ship by looking at its requirements on the technology page.

Obviously a fleet can only go as fast as it's slowest ship (usually combustion powered).

At Impulse 5: small cargos become impulse, not combustion.
At Hyperspace 8: bombers become hyperspace, not impulse.
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There's a guy in [SH] Alliance that has only a few members and not much guarding them if someone wants to join me in taking him out.

1:422:2 (debris there too)

Tried checking out [SH] but couldn't see much?

He's inactive and their forums are down. Hope thats good news.
Gilly said:
There's a guy in [SH] Alliance that has only a few members and not much guarding them if someone wants to join me in taking him out.

1:422:2 (debris there too)

Tried checking out [SH] but couldn't see much?

He's inactive and their forums are down. Hope thats good news.

He isn't inactive thou...

He was earlier :/

Should I pull my fleet back or just probe him in a bit and see if he's up to anything?
well, you can keep the attack if you want, just 1 small laser. But to be safe. Probe im again with 5 mins to go and see if he has a fleet or built any defences.

How long does it take you get there?
Raymond Lin said:
That shows fleet activity, he could just built some stuff.
Or someone could have probed him, or attacked him, or he's made some activity himself. Probe again now and check him, if everything is still good let the attack carry on, and probe one final time just before the attack hits.
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