***The (renamed) official Ogame thread***

Sinque said:
What espionage rank should I look at to be getting to see the defence and such?

I so far have 30 Heavy Fighters, 10 Light Fighters, 10 S Cargo Ships and 4 Cruisers. How many cruisers should I make or what should I aim for?
The esp rank you need to see defences etc depends on the esp rank of the guy you're scanning. If your rank is significantly higher than the guy you're probing, you'll get everything from 1 probe. If it's not, you'll need to send more than 1 probe. Even with esp level 10, I generally send 3 probes at everyone I want to scan, and in almost every case it gives me the fleet and defence at a minimum, and often everything.
The following fleets were facing each other on 10-08 06:19:56, as it came to a battle:

Attacker Plapskisangwich [x:xxx:xx]
B.Ship 100

Defender spanker [x:xxx:xx]
B.Ship 2
Esp. Probe 5
Sol. Sat 5
Miss. 40
S.Laser 107
H.Laser 18
Gauss 4
Ion.C 2
S.Dome 1
LS.Dome 1

Witty Comment

Attacker Plapskisangwich [x:xxx:xx]
B.Ship 100

Defender spanker [x:xxx:xx]

The attacker has won the battle!
He captures
1.160 Metal, 33.769 Crystal and 18.853 Deuterium

The attacker has lost a total of 0 Units.
The defender has lost a total of 849.000 Units.
At these space coordinates now float 24.000 Metal and 16.500 Crystal.
27 Missile Launcher, 76 Small Laser, 13 Heavy Laser, 4 Gauss Cannon, 2 Ion Cannon, 0 Small Shield Dome, 0 Large Shield Dome could be repaired.
-----Converted with DutchDemon's CR converter.-----

Second time he has hit one of my colonies :( moved all the res i could but couldn't manage it all. The alliance he belongs to seem quite strong from when i looked a while back, is there anyone that can pay him a visit?
[1:480:5] - Can someone probe here please? I've upgraded my esp' tech and i've sent more than 1 probe but I still only see the materials :confused:
Sinque said:
[1:480:5] - Can someone probe here please? I've upgraded my esp' tech and i've sent more than 1 probe but I still only see the materials :confused:

Resources on bortimus prime [1:480:5] at 10-09 02:48:40
Metal: 76832 Crystal: 42703
Deuterium: 8769 Energy: 3702
Anti-ballistic Missile 20 Interplanetary Missiles 10
Metal Mine 20 Crystal Mine 19
Deuterium Synthesizer 15 Solar Plant 22
Fusion Plant 2 Robotic Factory 10
Nanite Factory 1 Shipyard 10
Metal Storage 6 Crystal Storage 6
Deuterium Tank 4 Research Lab 10
Rocket Silo 4
Espionage Technology 10 Computer Technology 10
Weapon Technology 9 Shielding Technology 7
Armour Technology 8 Energy Technology 8
Hyperspace Technology 8 Combustion Engine 7
Impulse Engine 6 Hyperspace Engine 4
Laser Technology 10 Ion Technology 5
Plasma Technology 7 Intergalactic Research Network 1

Chance of counterespionage:0%
Sinque said:
[1:480:5] - Can someone probe here please? I've upgraded my esp' tech and i've sent more than 1 probe but I still only see the materials :confused:

if you can spare the probe, and the resources look like its worth it, send a probe attacking.

if it comes back there are no defences/fleet, if it doesnt, there are :)
Lui said:
if you can spare the probe, and the resources look like its worth it, send a probe attacking.

if it comes back there are no defences/fleet, if it doesnt, there are :)

Oh yeah... Never though of that. Will try that on later ones.

So that guy has pretty much the best defence items out there?
Just discovered this game and opened an account in uni9,i have a couple of small cargoes and a couple of light fighters,im stumped how do i send them to a planet,i have no probes yet so i take it this is blind raiding,but i dont know how to find the coordinates of a planet or where to input them.
Sinque said:
Oh yeah... Never though of that. Will try that on later ones.

So that guy has pretty much the best defence items out there?

he has no defence.

ABMs and IPMs dont affect attacking ships.

it does mean he can destroy your defence if you are within range and have less than 10ABMs.
subzero said:
Just discovered this game and opened an account in uni9,i have a couple of small cargoes and a couple of light fighters,im stumped how do i send them to a planet,i have no probes yet so i take it this is blind raiding,but i dont know how to find the coordinates of a planet or where to input them.

"The next pit is where people often go wrong. When U blind raid, dont just go to galaxy and find the nearest person! U shuld go to stats and look at the lowest score U can possible attack [your score/5, rounded up]. Once U find it, go up the list hitting the msg button and checking their coords. Repeat until U find someone nearby, and check their galaxy screen. If there is activity, find a different target. If U are home after the launch, keep an eye on galaxy and if U see activity, pull back your cargo, or it will probably die. The really patient ones amongst U may want to also check research score, as research lab needs deut, which makes shipyard + ML more likely. Check fleet stats for every attack to be sure they have no fleet."

Most of us are in Uni 3 btw. :)
have you checked that absent guy is he high ranking or not ? maybe someone can do revenge hit for you. I would but I think he might notice the 4-5 hour fleet time for me to get there. :(
He's ranked number 1 in the game :(

I've enough res cheers dude, its just gonna take some time before I'm back where I was.
memphisto said:

whats the number one player doing attacking such a relative noob to the game ?
He'll only attack if it's profitable.

Make sure you don't keep much res there - and save your fleet whenever you're offline.
If he's got a moon nearby (by which i mean within about 50 solar systems, because he can easily afford a high level phalanx) - then it may be worth considering a move of your main fleet.
You could still attack weakly defended targets from that planet, but if he see's a big fleet there, he'll crash it when you fleet save. :/

Gilly said:
No idea :/

He got about 150k of metal and 60k of crystal from it.
Does that include the debris?
No, that'd add about half again what I said above.

I was saving for BS so I needed a fair amount of crystal around. Thought I'd slip under his radar though. He's the only ranked player within 20 SS of me.

Or at least he was a week or so ago, I've not checked since then.
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