***The (renamed) official Ogame thread***

memphisto said:
thomas whats your score at the minute ? you seem to be a bit ahead of me at them moment having 2 planets etc ?

243 (rank 4867 of 8178). I destroyed my planet because it didn't have 150 fields. Perhaps I should have kept it and deleted it when I could build loads of colony ships :(

What's your score memph?
yup ive attacked rubiks cube and farm me and came back succesful. fingers crossed that he has no defence at [3:185:1] as ive got 6 small cargos on the way :p
|Thomas| said:
243 (rank 4867 of 8178). I destroyed my planet because it didn't have 150 fields. Perhaps I should have kept it and deleted it when I could build loads of colony ships :(

What's your score memph?

currently sat at

499 (rank 4331 of 8178)
interesting that

we'd assume leave well alone becayse we cant see whats there, but obviously this guy hasnt spent any resources on defence, has just upped his espionage to keep would be attackers away !
memphisto said:
currently sat at

499 (rank 4331 of 8178)

:eek: Nice score mate. I think your definitely one of the most powerful new people.

Anyway I'm going to see if I can get a good second planet, then work on large cargos (still haven't got them!) and then defense.
what you on frostie mate ?

fRostiE said:
interesting that

we'd assume leave well alone becayse we cant see whats there, but obviously this guy hasnt spent any resources on defence, has just upped his espionage to keep would be attackers away !

it is interesting but dont think im gonna go in blind just yet :)

need to up my espionage tech a couple more. Still plenty of pickings out there that dont require the chance of being destroyed.

After my first raid which ended in my fleet being destroyed i think discretion will be the better part of valour for the next week or so until i get a decent fleet going.
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Score: 299 (rank 4737 of 8180) to be exact, i think i started a couple of days after you guys tho... this thread was lik 14 pages long when i kicked off :/
what sort of energy levels is anyone getting from solar satelites, being planet 11 i haven't bothered with them as yet, but as the upgrades to my solar plant are becoming a bit steep 22k metal for level 14 thinking about investing in a couple.
well im in my system on planet 11 and i get 22 energy at max, it depends on the time of day dont forget :)

im not going to bother with another one until things get very tight... not worth it IMO

get fusion plants, they're worth it ! i have a lvl 3 and it kicks out 200 energy...

Requires: Metal:5.248 Crystal:2.099 Deuterium:1.049
Production time: 35m 16s

level 4 kicks out 300... nice jump for not a lot of resources !
do defences automatically attack intruders or does the user need to tell them ?

well ill tell you if my 6 cargos are blown up at [3:185:1] . should be there in an hour
ahh well thats that then not going to bother, with them, continue with my fusion reactor although its taking a bit of deut to get going, 60 an hour at the moment at level 4.
andy8271 said:
do defences automatically attack intruders or does the user need to tell them ?

well ill tell you if my 6 cargos are blown up at [3:185:1] . should be there in an hour

yeah they do if they have defences they will fire on you automatically.
my chrystal levels are really holding me back...

got 20k metal... 16k and 12k deut

gotta wait another 4 hours for my fleet to return again now ! argh

not sure what to spend this load on... hmmmm

all the decent research levels require my whole 16k which will leave me nothing to play with for 4 hours :(
hehe im starting to love raiding. that guy had no defence at [3:185:1] either .

The attacker has won the battle!
He captures
13360 Metal, 6036 Crystal and 157 Deuterium

Damn so unfair, been playing for only 3 days so im pritty weak due to lack of resources and there is 15 planets in my Galaxy, 1:473:10, and 14 of them are displayed in Red stating they are Strong players.

Im in Uni 3, i thought i would have atleast started along side some other noobs damn, i hope TNG can help if i get in trouble :D
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