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got robotics level 2 now and level 4 deutrium running smoothly but need another solar plant which is like 1000+ metal and 500+ crystal.

saving for 100 deutrium to get a shipyard firs though as i think i'll leave it overnight to get enough stuff for metal / solar / crystal and deutrium upgrades tomorrow.
ermm it all depends, do you have the resources to get ships? if not then i really doubt you should have got it...but hey i cant speak as im no where near getting one :(
well no but tbh looking at the tech tree its gonna be at least 2-3 days before i have any meaningful ships, however have been able to get 2 crappy missile defence systems which got me a little excited. :p
Right :) Dredg you are a star m8 - helped me out a hell of a lot - got:

Metal Mine - LVL 5
Crystal Mine - LVL 6
Deuterium Synthesizer - LVL 2 (my next wave of upgrades)
Solar Plant - LVL 6

Building a Robotics factory as we speak (dont want spare resources hanging around too much plus I have no idea what it does lol)
No worries :)

Robotics factory is wel.. a Robotics factory:)

The highier level it is the faster buildings are constructed/upgraded:)
ahh cool :) will help me out a little bit, need an upgrade to my solar plant next then an upgrade to deuterium, then lvl 8 solar plant, lvl 6 metal mine then level 9 solar plant then keep improving basic facilities til lvl 10 I hope
I'm not sure... I didnt know what you needed so i just sent 8256 of each (little more duet though like 8300)

It's not to late to recall if you want something totally diffrent though
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