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The RX 7900 GRE as of 20/03/2024 - Not such a flawed product?

18 Oct 2002
UK prices for this should be good for a laugh considering its $550 msrp. I somehow envisage the words 'exchange rate, supply and demand, limited stock' making themselves known soon.

That's assuming many places get it in stock to flog, none so far besides that one place last week selling a few for £650 that don't have any left. Official launch is meant to be tomorrow.
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17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
Something interesting in the HUB data, mostly the 7900 GRE is just 2 to 3% faster than the 7800 XT, BUT there are a couple of rasterised games where its more than 10% faster, same with RT games, its 10 faster overall with some games more than that.

So i have a theory, memory bandwidth, the 7900 GRE has 80 shader clusters vs 60 on the 7800 XT, there is a 200 Mhz clock speed difference too in favour of the 7800 XT, not much, i can overclock mine by 400 to 600 Mhz.
The memory bandwidth, 576 GB/s for the 7900 GRE and 624 GB/s for the 7800XT, the 33% core count increase should put it more than 3% ahead of the 7800XT, in a couple of games it does, CoDMW 3 for example, that also just happens to be one of a few games where AMD does exceptionally well vs Nvidia.
So is it that the whole architecture is memory bandwidth constrained? except in a couple of games that perhaps aren't so dependant on memory bandwidth?



17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
4070S is gonna clean up if they try to sell them at that pricing, just not cheap enough for the strong hold Nvidia have got (plus the vastly better upscale/RT ofc).

Yeah, this is still £480. Its a bloody good card.

How much would it have taken to put some faster memory IC's on it and clock it up a bit? Apart from a couple of games and RT its essentially identical to the 7800 XT, what is the bloody point?

The 7900 GRE is 5% faster than the 7800 XT, if that, because the board power is exactly the same, 260 watts vs 263 watts, there is no place for it to slot in to, AMD idiotic new naming Scheme is in this case not the problem, they are essentially slotting in a 16GB card where one of their own already exists and trying to charge $50 more for it, the same performance.

Clock it up a bit, give it a 280 watt board power and 19.5 Gb/s memory IC's to put it between the 7800 XT and 7900XT, charge $550 for it and bring the 7900 XT down to $650.

There is no point in dropping the 7900 GRE as is, no one is going to pay $50 more for something with the same 16GB and +3% performance over the 7800 XT.

Edit: and call it the RX 7900 or RX 7800 XTX, drop the GRE thing....
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17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
I’d love for someone at AMD to explain what they were thinking seeing as they already had the performance data 6 months ago. I cannot remember another GPU launch as odd as this in quite a while.

This, its stupid, come on AMD, put some more effort in to this, you make good products but damn it your marketing or product relations teams or what ever entity it is making these daft decisions are low effort and incompetent, do better.

Even if this is stock you need to get rid of you could be more inventive than this to do that.... This is not a good look.
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15 Oct 2019
They should re-market it for the western market. 7800 XT Superish :rolleyes: or anything, 7900 GRE just sounds horrible.
They should have just called this the 7800 with the 7900XT being the 7800XT like they did last gen with the 3 cards using the top chip.
15 Oct 2019
Meh. People get to caught up too much on naming schemes /branding.

The RX 7800 XT is essentially a successor to the RX 6800 because both have 60 Compute units.

The RX 7900 GRE is sort of a successor to the RX 6900 XT (both 80 CUs), but a flawed one unfortunately. The spec needs beefing up, but I imagine AMD is worried about it performing too much like the RX 7900 XT if it had the same GPU and memory clocks.

It looks like boost clocks of 2400 MHz should be possible (with higher memory clock speeds as well), which makes me wonder why an upgraded version hasn't been revealed yet, and priced at ~£600. Maybe AMD never produced enough Navi31 dies in general.
A new replacement card should have more CUs not the same, the same for CUDA cores, if a new tier of gpu only has the same then it’s essentially a downgraded tier like the 4070 for example which is clearly a 4060 type card.
18 Oct 2002
After watch HUB video I'm left feeling the the GRE is a missed opportunity, crippled it with 18 Gbps VRAM and then locked down memory overclocking in the BIOS is a boneheaded move. It's like both AMD and Nvidia go out of there way to make sure there no obvious 'must buy' product in their lineups.

These days they're not gonna want to let a card have the potential to perform much higher than intended. Had they left it 'unlocked' so to speak it could potentially close the gap to the 7900xt and make that card far less appealing, as well as making the 7800xt pointless. After all who would want a 7800xt If for a few quid more you could clock a GRE to run much faster.

Back in the day we had pencil mods to unlock performance on some cards, 8500-LE for example. Those days are long gone.
30 Jun 2019
A new replacement card should have more CUs not the same, the same for CUDA cores, if a new tier of gpu only has the same then it’s essentially a downgraded tier like the 4070 for example which is clearly a 4060 type card.
It depends on the architecture entirely, and how much of an improvement there is.

With RDNA3, the number of CUs only increased by 16, from the RX 6900 XT to the RX 7900 XTX. So, that limits what can be offered, and how GPUs are segmented into a range of products.

The performance improvements from RDNA3 are only partly from an increased compute unit count, they are from a number of things, like doubled FP32 processing power, higher memory speed, memory bus spec, somewhat higher clock speeds and increased L0, L1 and L2 cache amounts.

With the RX 7900 XTX, I think they were already hitting the limits of how high they could scale the core config / CU count, without requiring a chonky power supply (750w is recommended for the RX 7900 XTX), and significantly improved cooling.

You also need a case with pretty good airflow, if you don't want to run into GPU hotspot issues with the Navi31 GPUs...

AMD is more geared towards what the 'common man' can afford IMO (part of this calculation includes other system components).


The offering across a graphics card series you get is generally defined by the highest end card in a new series (and what is technologically possible at the time).
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28 Nov 2005
This, its stupid, come on AMD, put some more effort in to this, you make good products but damn it your marketing or product relations teams or what ever entity it is making these daft decisions are low effort and incompetent, do better.

Even if this is stock you need to get rid of you could be more inventive than this to do that.... This is not a good look.
Agree entirely. I'm just about still running a Vega and desperate to upgrade to something that can run 1440 for the foreseeable. But AMD are as much of a turn off as Nvidia currently.
Eurogamer seem to think that the 7900GRE will be £519 which may be a direct coversion and wishful thinking on their part. There are suggestions that the 7700XT has had a price drop but I cannot see the point of the 7900GRE when the 7800XT exists. It doesn't help that the GRE only looks to be available with three fan coolers so far so likely too big for my case versus a 7800XT mba or pulse
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