TLDR// 64 bios on 56 didn't work correctly only in benchmarks, in games the 56 bios was much faster.
Just gone back to the 56 bios, there is something terribly wrong with the 64 one.
In benchmarks the 64bios and 1100 /1700 blah blah settings, gets me a gigantic score on all the different benchmarks, but in games themselves the card shows the right settings in rivatuner monitor on screen. clock and hbm settings all correct, but the FPS is very low. I try the benchmarks again and all is powerful and 24,000 graphics score on 3dmark firestike.
Back to a game and the settings are real but the same thing happens, on Battlegrounds i am 1080p very low everything and getting 40-50fps. On wildlands very low preset 1080p i get 33 fps I don't get it at all. I DDU and reinstall the drivers, i tried different 64 bios's nothing worked.
Went back to the 56 bios and ran Battlegrounds on 4k very low all, apart from ultra textures and im getting 60-80fps ( 935 hbm and 1655 core.)
on wildlands 1440p ultra settings is 90 fps +
Don't know if anyone else has this problem, but i'm leaving this here in hopes either someone can help or to let people know that have the same problem that the 56 bios will be better, and you HAVEN'T destroyed your card like i thought I did