Hello yall I bought a vega64 reference for 110E and with a new MVE2 Bronze 650W psu it ran flawlessly with no crash for 2weeks, then i started having crashes, i ran it only on stock, with an exception of custom fan curves, now if i try to run games/ dx12 benchmarks my pc crashes, but if i crash and remove one of the 8pin from the gpu, the pc sound comes back healty, so anyone who encountered this, need to dump their psu, due if i do -50% on power then my pc just "sometimes" crashes.
What yall guys think, which new psu would be suited for my gpu?
I think my psu is "half dead" but i think im gonna get some power resistors to test my power supply if it crashes
Im gonna also get a wall wattmeter, with combination with that, im gonna simulate the load with power resistors, if i get any crash.