The RX7 rebuild thread

Man of Honour
Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
As promised, here is the thread that will follow the progress of the engine rebuild of my RX7.

Today I maganed to get the engine more or less ready to be removed, apart from a couple of small things to do it's ready to be pulled. Wasn't too bad a job to do, the exhaust downpipe was a bit of a PITA, and the workshop manual I downloaded from was for LHD cars, so there were a few differences, but nothing major. Anyway a few pics, apologies for the quality, these are phone pics, I'll take my camera out tomorrow.

Front bumper removed, shows that the GReddy intecooler is pretty big, and mostly obscured by the bumper, which is a shame:



Here are some of the parts I had to remove:


And here is the engine basically ready to come out (compare it to the first couple of pics and it looks a lot more bare in the engine bay):



I should get the engine out tomorrow, then comes the strip-down.
Looks like fun, keep us posted! :)

BTW, I helped a mate remove an engine from his car years back, it's obligatory to have your photo taken standing in the engine bay you know :D
Nice... Hope it goes well. Hope the nuts and bolts that are left over at the end arent important (theres always nuts and bolts left over, taht you have no idea where they go..
andi said:
Cover those open pipes up, you'll be well *****ed off if you drop a bolt down one :D

This man speaketh the truth!!

Some rubber bands and some spare bags from the local supermarket can save you untold amounts of hours removing pieces that were never intended to be ****ed with just to retrieve a bolt!!
Yeah I'll get those hoses covered up tomorrow. I'm putting all the bolts back into the holes as I remove everything, I'm also labeling everything up, so hopefully I wont get any lost/left over bolts and stuff. Hopefully....... :rolleyes:
Looking good so far dude. You will find that you will loose certain bolts for "important" things and STILL find a few bolts spare after everything has gone back together lol. Good luck with it all :)
gl with that,you could even remove those nasty lights while youre at it :o

seriosuly i hope you get it back on the road soon,fantastic car
^^ he's right, but you'll need some lubrication, use washing up liquid, it's the same sort of consistancy, but a lot lighter.

Always glad to help :)
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