The RX7 rebuild thread

Good work so far, I didn't realise you were such a spanner monkey Ben! If I ever need help I know where to come now ;)

I'll be keeping an eye on this thread, can't wait to see the finished article.
brave brave man, might be time for some upgrading of the innards?, i have a friend who has an rx7 with a single turbo, it's pretty bloody mental, i havent seen him for a while actually, i wonder if he's overdone it :P
good luck with it, im sure there will be a "few spanners in the works" over time ;)
definetly subscribing to this tread
AcidHell2 said:
Nice drex :)....

So when's the engine going to be taken to pieces. Be interesting to see what a rotary engine looks like inside..

imagine a bag of doritoes with one MASSIVE dorito... thats about it
No harm in getting a bit more bhp ;)

I wouldnt know where to start pulling apart and engine, your a brave man DreXeL. Looking forward to seeing what else you do to the rex.
My only unsolicited advice would be:

Cover all exposed pipework
Dont lay parts on a dirty, dusty floor - put them in boxes with lids
Dont strip down the motor in a dirty, dusty environment
Dont leave cables hanging with bits attached, adds strain and may break the insulator
Dont 'balance' connected parts they will fall
At the very least sit the engine on pallet

I visited a 'Subaru specialist' at the weekend who employed all of the above.
im watching this thread with interest, I have been tempted for a long time to get myself a cheap fc turbo.

DreXeL, what has this cost you so far? I heard that the special engine hoist cannot be hired and costs a lot buy and the gaskets can cost upto £400.
dilated said:
DreXeL, what has this cost you so far? I heard that the special engine hoist cannot be hired and costs a lot buy and the gaskets can cost upto £400.

You don't need a special hoist to lift the engine out, infact it is dead easy as it has lifting eyes bolted on to it, you just attatch a standard hoist. I can only assume you mean a special engine stand, which is partly true. You use a normal stand, but you need a special adapter to fit the engine to it.

It's not 100% neccessery to put it on a stand anyway, it just makes it easier to work on.

As for cost, all the parts required (gaskets, all seals etc.) come to between £600 and £1k, depending weather you buy from the UK or the states. That's assuming the rotors, housings and plates are OK.
Good luck with the rebuild mate (better late than never).Dont forget to get a video of the first time you fire it up after it is all completed.
Hope theres a big update after this weekend, all this awesome weather, perfect for doing mechanical stuff, had the back seat of my 200 out to run some wiring to my new autochanger, will finish it off later :)
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