The RX7 rebuild thread

You really think you can wait 1000 miles? Surely if you've done over the 500 the little devil inside will tell you to push that little bit more throttle? :D
with current fuel prices 1000 miles in an Rx7 is a lot of money! kinda glad i dont have mine now!

Just noticed from your sig you have the Tein suspension, had the same on mine, how do you find it....apart from bloody harsh :D
<De@thW!sh> said:
with current fuel prices 1000 miles in an Rx7 is a lot of money! kinda glad i dont have mine now!

Just noticed from your sig you have the Tein suspension, had the same on mine, how do you find it....apart from bloody harsh :D

Fuel is going to really hurt :(

Yeah the Tein stuff is really hard, probably a bit too hard for our roads TBH, but I actually kind of like it, it feels more hardcore ;)

The handling is utterly sublime though.
Lush job there drexel , Bet it feels fantastic having rebuilt it yourself.

D Day -

Drexel starts engine

Engine go's BANG

:eek: :p
yeah mine had the Tein already on it when i bought it as a jap import, most good stuff had been taken off but the suspension and Induction kit was still there, when i fitted the 18's i bought they sat perfect without adjustment (see sig) which kinda told me what was on the car when in japan.

shame they didnt leave the HKS EVC unit :(

Edit: on another note is it the Re-A induction kit you have and does yours make the same weird noise mine made at around 2500 - 2800 rpm.
Nice work Drex. I think I would have been crying in a corner by now, asking some chap with a big lorry to take it away. That's some scary stuff, and I admire your tenacity to get the job done. Good luck!
<De@thW!sh> said:
Edit: on another note is it the Re-A induction kit you have and does yours make the same weird noise mine made at around 2500 - 2800 rpm.

No I have HKS induction on mine (2x mushrooms)
Good work going on there. How much do you think you have saved yourself from using a specialist to have carried out the work? Sorry if its already been covered, whats the service intervals for a complete overhaul like you have done?

I wish i had a garrage, and knowledge a lot of you guys have, very impressive stuff.

Right, I've finished building the engine now \o/ \o/

So tomorrow I'll be putting it back in, all being well she should be running sometime tomorrow \o/

Sorry for the lack of pics in this update, but it basically just looks like the pics when I first took it out, so I didn't bother ;)
:eek: That's superb news DreXeL! I'm really pleased that you were able to get the engine rebuilt yourself, and so quickly too! It's only been a few months right? That's no time at all!

Bet you can't wait to get her fired up. I'll cross my fingers for you :)
If you think you might have difficulty keeping below 3.000 rpm without concentrating all the time, you could fit an Omex rev limiter for about £50 or so that would do the job for you :)
Get a set of rollers or crank up the rear wheels, have a big fan blowing at the front, and leave it over night set to 2,000rpm in 5th, you'll chew away the miles in no time! :p

I'm very impressed - even with all the tools and the space to do the job I doubt I'd have taken on that challenge. Very well done! Can't wait for the rest of this venture!
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