The RX7 rebuild thread

Congrats tbh i wouldnt have had the patients or balls to do what you have done. How much has it cost all together, and is it any better? Would you have prefered the scoob. Which engine would you say is easier to rebuild?
Please, oh please tell me you have not fired it up yet?

I hope not. If so, did you pre-lube the rotors??????

If you haven't yet, go get some extremely high quality oil (Like Mobil 1 or equivilant), pull the fuel pump relay/fuse, pull the spark plugs out, pour about a 1/4 teaspoon into each rotor face on each rotor, then (with the plugs still out) turn it by hand at least 3 or 4 revolutions, then turn it over with the starter for 4 or 5 10 second bursts.

Then spray ether (starter fluid) in the chambers to dilute the oil, spin it over on the starter again for about 10-20 seconds, put the plugs back in (with the fuse still out of the fuel pump) and spin it over on the starter for another 10 second burst.

Then, and only then put the fuse back in the fuel pump and cross the fingers and give it a keying......

I'm praying for ya' bud. Here's to hoping it works beautifully first time!!
Guys he's not replying... he must be on a 1000 mile round trip to the supermarket!!!

....back in a minute love, just popping to the shops....

He's rebuilt the rex... do you really think he's going to be on here!:D

Very nice job you've done there DreXel, hope the running in goes smoothly and you can be patient with the boost ;)
OK, sorry for the lack of an update yesterday, it didn't go too well. It was raining on and off all day which didn't help, and I had numourous little nigles when reinstalling the engine. In the end I called it a day.

But today I got all the loose ends tied up and fired her up, and she's running!!!

First of all I cranked it over a few times with the EGI fuse pulled so it wouldn't fire (to get the oil pressure up, and it's OK Mickey I lubed it all up whilst building it), then I put the fuse back in and after turning over for a bit more it spluttered to life. I let it ilde for a while, but It was running quite rough. I switched it off and looked for any loose vac-pipes etc, but it was all fine. I then tried to start it again and it wasn't having any of it :(

A quick call to RX-motors and they said the plugs probably fouled up during the initial cranking. So I put some plugs in that I had previously taken out of the car (they are fine, but a lower grade than the ones I normally run) and fired it up, and she is now running fine :D :D

I haven't taken it out yet as I still need to fit the bumper etc., but the main thing is she is running, and I am well happy :D

I'll fit the bumper etc. tomorrow and take her out for a nice long run.

Anyway, here is the vid. I'll apologise now for the ugly, fat, bald bloke :o

9mb WMV

All the smoke is from the oil used during the build and initial lubing.

A mate took loads of pics whilst we were installing it yesterday, I'll post them when he sends them to me.
Happy for you bud :)

good job

edit: thas a happy chap if even I seen one ;)

BTW I never ask but you did realise it was me you met at Southwest motor show when you where talking to dazza :p
Cryfreeman said:
Happy for you bud :)

good job

edit: thas a happy chap if even I seen one ;)

BTW I never ask but you did realise it was me you met at Southwest motor show when you where talking to dazza :p

Was it? Christ, I didn't realise :o
Simon said:
Nice work, looks a lot easier than a piston engine to work on.

Did you do any porting to the exhausts?

It is much easier. The ancillaries are the worst part, the actual internals are really quite simple to build.

Yes I had the intake and exhaust ports done.
Good work :)
Nice one mate, well chuffed for ya :D

You must be well proud, thinking back to the days you didn't know what to do with it :D
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