**The Secret World**

Despite Funcom's history, Im waiting for this game too. All willing to sign up for the Templar faction. Note the game backstory explicity mentions that these are NOT affiliated with the Knights Templar, who were apparently an overzealous, religious branch of the complete organisation that broke away. The Templar attitude and background seems to suggest they're the oldest of the 3 factions, and probably have the greatest collection of multi-cultural, multi-religious artifacts secretted away.

Im willing to give this game a shot as not only do Funcom occasionally think out of the box a little when it comes to MMOs (especially on release, AoC was rather different from WoW), AoC is much more polished than it was at release, the background looks as close as we're going to get anytime soon to a White Wolf Vampire mythos or Underworld style MMO and also, this game has been in development since they started work on AoC, which means they've spent a far longer time developing the background, basics and tweaking the engine; which being a modified version of the one used in AoC, should look pretty good.

I also seem to remember reading they werent intending to go class archetypes with this one but allow a more freeflow skill/levelling system.

Either way...guns, templars, illuminati and asian cultists using katanas...all thrown together with vampires, werewolves, demons and lovecraft? Yes please.

Hopefully it wont be a simple click 111112222233322255555 style game also, a little variation on how you play would be an appreciated difference, and if the game could swing between FPS style controls for weaponry and a more traditional approach for melee/abilities, that could also be interesting. Still we shall have to see how it fares. I just hope they've learnt from the mistakes they made with the launch of Age of Conan.

It does unfortunately look like the game may be instanced/zoned like AoC rather than an open world, which is a massive shame, but then we shall see.

PS.Arghhh I hate typing with a keyboard and the ps3 browser, I keep knocking shift-backspace and deleting everything!!!

Edit - Ah damp has mentioned the different levelling system in his OP, hadn't realised.

For anyone wondering, the factions as they stand are Templar, based in London (For the greater good, fight fire with fire), Dragon, based in Seoul (For the whole, and balance) and Illuminati, based in New York (For the self, almost capitalist). Apparently you will NOT be able to team up crossfaction at all.
Either way, there seems to be enough different/interesting with this one to make it worth keeping an eye on.
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I'm quite intrigued by this game. I think the overall concept and factions sound great. MMO's based in modern or sci-fi settings haven't hooked me in so far but this one is taking an angle which I'd like to explore some more.
If anyone can have a good idea, hype it with some good screenshots/fmv and then ruin it with careless rushed design its Funcom. I absolutely love the concept, way beyond any other MMO ive ever seen and thats coming form a long term WoW player but I refuse to get excited about it untill its out.
If anyone can have a good idea, hype it with some good screenshots/fmv and then ruin it with careless rushed design its Funcom. I absolutely love the concept, way beyond any other MMO ive ever seen and thats coming form a long term WoW player but I refuse to get excited about it untill its out.

Totally, however the fact it's been in development since before Age of Conan suggests that perhaps the design may be a bit less rushed this time...hopefully.
been looking into this from when i was looking into aoc. after the lies they kept telling right up to launch about how perfect aoc was, makes me not want to research this till its out and getting good reviews.

it sounds and looks great so i hope its good.
Took the test, got Templars... like pretty much everyone else :P Also confirmed my e-mail address from the e-mail it sent me, but when I click the activation link it just loads up the home page and doesn't really tell me if it's activated or not :/
I've signed up to too many betas and can't remember what game was what. I think I'm dragon clan in this game when I did the quiz. Not quite sure. :p
Edited OP with some shamelessly stolen info from Alex, that is useful and should be in there.

Might pertition for the word "official" to be added to title. Then again, maybe not. STICK IT TO THE MAN.
Who is making it? -
It's a new MMO in development by Funcom, those who brought us Dreamfall\The Longest Journey, Anarchy Online and Age of Conan. Not a terrible CV, then.

I don't know. If you are looking for a nice solid relatively bug free release it is a pretty awful CV. :D

I refuse to get hyped over any MMO anymore. The only one I am kinda looking forward to is Star Wars the old republic and that is for two reasons. I like star was :) and I like bioware. However even then I am still nervous on it because well Bioware are very good at RPG games however MMO's are a different kettle of fish.

Anyways I digress, I shall wait and see I guess. It might be the best MMO since UO. For some reason I doubt it.
I don't know. If you are looking for a nice solid relatively bug free release it is a pretty awful CV. :D

Aside from Conan, i'm not aware of any of those being particular terrible. Conan is far, far better now also. Secret World is still being developed now, having been started at the same time as Conan, so one would assume then it's to a far higher standard.

So still not terrible, in my opinion.
Besides, after the very public disaster that was AoC, you can bet their investors are paying a lot more attention to how finished the next mmo is going to be.

I'll be trying it, but not until a month after release. You're just asking for trouble buying any new mmo on release these days.
Forgot about this!

Just thought i'd remind people you can still take the test to be added into the Beta draw.
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