**The Secret World**

Looking forward to this game although will wait a month after release before parting with my cash, after playing AoC from the beginning dont want to make the same mistake twice............but looks good so far!

Purchase of game
Monthly Sub
Cash shop?
Lots of useless trinkets through additional charges with special version of the game, a lot of which are really so pointless but the consumers will always feed devs into putting them into the game.
3 Char slots, rest you have to buy (But who knows, I believe there are no level you just raise skills, so no need to have more I guess?)

I can't think of any other MMO that asks you to first buy the game, pay a sub and has micro transactions/store, all of which aren't really market beating prices.
I'll give it a go, at some point but with what else is out there, what they are asking for in cash is a joke. Blame the consumer?

Funcom are taking it in every hole to make cash :P
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Where are you seeing that there'll be a cash shop ?

Funcom have the worst cash shop in existence with Age of Conan, they don't seem to understand what the 'micro' in microtransaction means. I'll be majorly miffed if they do something similar here, in addition to a monthly sub.
They've said all along they'd have microtransactions for clothes etc fella.

I won't be pre-ordering this one, i do like Funcom games but they tend to mess things up a lot so i'll wait and see how the first couple of months after launch go before deciding to buy.
For a subscription service, you would think getting people signed up would be the primary goal. There are enough Cash extras usually with char transfers etc... Adding in a Cash Shop from the start is just going to put people off it.
lol microtranscations and a subscription... are people really so retarded that they dont know this will kill a game....
This is the death of Funcom right here.

Long time coming but this will be the final nail in the coffin.

This would not fly even if TSW was the ONLY MMO launching this year but in the face of GW2 this will flop doubly hard - end of.

First the Facebook free marketing attempt through FORCED FB usage for any kind of beta signup and now this.

Cy@ Funcom.
Oh dear :(

What role do E.A have in this?

Are they just the "disc in box" publisher/distributor in a E.A Partners type deal?
Just wow at those prices. I watched one of their videos on youtube and it really looked a bit boring, just another straight mmo clone with no real defining features. Some of the cutscenes where just terrible as well, 5 minutes of some random person rabbiting on about nothing :(
Well, I've pre-ordered. I think it'll be really good, but I also think Funcom will mis-manage it into the ground within six months, so I reckon get in at the start and enjoy it while the servers are busy.
While i thought AO was the best thing since sliced bread when i first discovered it, AoC was so horrible i don't think i will find it within myself to try TSW. MMO's had a place in my heart for a long time but its FTP or nothing for me these days.

Purchase of game
Monthly Sub
Cash shop?
Lots of useless trinkets through additional charges with special version of the game, a lot of which are really so pointless but the consumers will always feed devs into putting them into the game.
3 Char slots, rest you have to buy (But who knows, I believe there are no level you just raise skills, so no need to have more I guess?)

I can't think of any other MMO that asks you to first buy the game, pay a sub and has micro transactions/store, all of which aren't really market beating prices.
I'll give it a go, at some point but with what else is out there, what they are asking for in cash is a joke. Blame the consumer?

Funcom are taking it in every hole to make cash :P

wow , probably to milk as much money out of people before they realise the game is **** ?
I have pre-ordered this, though not through Funcom, its usually cheaper else where! I can always cancel if I change my mind without having money being taken out (did that with Tera Online).

I know people moaning about the constant button pressing.. 11231223 etc but lets be real here shall we? Unless you have any other type of input device apart from a keyboard/mouse every game will be button pressing. That wont change unless you buy one of those fancy mind-control thingies!

I hate micro transactions, buying for extra things also, however 3 character slots is more then enough for me. There are no levels or classes and I will certainly not be wasting my RL cash on in game clothing.

If this gave unfair advantages in game or people where excluded for not having certain equipment, I would be against it but as it is - dont like it so I wont use it :)

Oh, maybe its just me but lots seem to say how bad AoC was? I actually enjoyed it. I dont care what the company did or said or didnt do. I enjoyed my time in playing the game so for me it was a great game!
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