The Sexiest Female Video Game Character

Oblivion can have some lady pixels that are fairly easy on the eye..........

Rikku from FFX :eek: :eek:

Isn't Rikku like 15 in X??? though I'll let you off she is 17 in X-2

and to add my 2 pence I would have to say that custom hostage skin of that asian bird in a bikini for CS:S, I'm ashamed to admit I used it for a while.

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Have thought about this long and hard (oo err!) and excluding Lara who my G/f is so jealous (shsh am drunk cant spell) of as shes flat as a pancake (hope she doesn;t read this!). I will say any girl who is slim with adequate breasts, long legs and scantilly dressed :) I quite liked the blonde from the cover of the original Everquest but never saw her in game LOL :)

Another vote for Mona Sax from Max Payne II.

In fact, while I was playing it, I wondered if she were based on a real life person, so did a google, and yep, found pics of her real life model counterpart ;)

and jolly nice too :p

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