If I was going to get a tattoo it would be something of great detail (and i imagine price)
I love bio-mechanical tatoos, this one is amazing...
How much do you think something like that would cost and where could I get it done? If someone gave me a tattoo that looked nothing like the design I would cry
Would get one from shoulder to elbow so could be hidden at work
edit - yes, if I was going to get one I would go to NYC for 2 weeks and get one done at anilgupta. http://anilgupta.com/portfolio/portfolio.htm
detail is incredible -
Finally finished my front. Tutti serra, black garden tattoo, London.
http://i.imgur.com/2Cznc5X.jpg[/ IMG][/QUOTE]
Very nice! How long'd that take?
Had my outline done last friday on my upper forearm, i am now going the itchy flaking stage, today it's itching like mad....
my back so far
http://i.imgur.com/WqoZKNY.jpg[/ IMG][/QUOTE]
Hey guys had my first tattoo done on Friday, just 3 names on the underside of my arm, I have been using Bepanthen cream 3-4 times a day, but I am getting a little concerned as with it being so hot I am getting very sweaty, I ride my bike to and from work each day so I am having to shower each evening, I have washed it tonight and not applied any cream and its drying a little and it looks fine.
Between the cream, the heat and my sweat should I now stop using Bepanthen and let it heal by itself of should I still be using Bepanthen its so thick my arm looks wet and greasy all day long when I use it and the heat isn't helping.
Next Wednesday for my first appointment of many (getting excited now!) - going to be interesting to say the least for 6.5 hours for a first session ever.
Quick question, after having a tattoo would you advise against swimming or weight lifting for a bit (as it's across my arms chest) or will I be good after a couple of days?
Cheers for the tips guys.
It's more that the bar may be resting on the tattoo for certain movements (back squats slightly, definitely front squats - I might just avoid those exercises for a short while then <shakes fist>.
It will be a shame to give swimming a miss, but I'd rather it heal correctly so that one get's knocked on the head.
How long does it take to heal?, as I've got sessions booked every 15 days for a couple of months - if I could I'd like to take a week to heal up, then a hard weeks training, another session - repeat till done!.
As it's 6.5 hours, 6.5 hours , 6.5 hours , 6.5 hours then 4 hours to make the 30 total (with 15 day breaks, it's going to take a while & didn't want to screw with my workouts if possible!).
How many nights did you guys wrap your sleeves for?, mines still raw as hell the day after (all shading last session!)
All done.
Black & white version (So you can tell what it's going to look like once the red goes - also adjusted for poor brightness/blacks are actually black)
http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/248/7/f/final_version_by_darkelmarko-d6l57ol.jpg[/ IMG]
How it looks now.
[IMG]http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/248/4/d/final_version2_by_darkelmarko-d6l57yb.jpg[/ IMG][/QUOTE]
Very, very nice!
First session
https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/316685_2086638973077_361342700_n.jpg[/ img]
and Finished (this was only a couple of days after finishing, so I was still a bit peeling and healing)
[img]https://scontent-b-cdg.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/387107_3619420771664_242686715_n.jpg[/ img][/QUOTE]
Nowhere near ad bad ad i thought it would be, already want another!
Some great tattoos in this thread - i am planning a cover up at the moment. Spending huge amounts of time on the reddit tattoo sections