The Show Off Your Tattoo Thread

26 Dec 2008
There seems to be a lot of tattoo threads being made recently so it just seems right to have an actual show off your tattoo thread.
Feel free to show off your tattoo and ask for advice on this thread.
Hopefully people will be able to get enough information on tattoos should they want to get one.


Friend designed it, ignore the man boobs and random bit fluff in the middle of the tattoo lol. I had just taken the bandage off it and washed it, part of the towel stayed off and I could pull it off at the time :p
yeah, generally i dont have my arms out so its not normally seen :]

My tattoo is high up enough to wear a short sleeve shirt and still be covered. So basically people can only see it when I show them it. Unless I am wearing my white work shirt then you can see the outline of it lol
Loving the Division Bell tattoo but something just doesn't look quite right, I'm not sure what and I don't have an original here to compare.

Here's mine, about six weeks old. My arm hasn't been exposed to any sunlight yet this year, I'm still a bit pasty and blotchy!


Looks interesting. What is it?
Really liking the red and black theme. Goes with your skin tones perfectly, the tatoo designs are pretty sweet too :D
How long you had them? The colours are looking great.
Thinking of getting another tattoo. I have my mind set on a guitar on my arm.

Something a bit like this:

I have told my friend who designed the previous one to have a shot of doing guitar tattoos now :D
He tattoos just south of Edinburgh, about 8 miles south roughly. Had the 1st one for 3 years, the red and black one for 2.5 years and the one on my back for a year now. Apparently used plastic polymer inks, that should not fade. THey are all a little less bright than when first done, but not by a lot.


Sounds about right.
Always good to see a tattoo that looks just as good as it was done years later :)
Presuming your anglo saxon heritage intact - why do you guys tattoo stuff in Chinese? Odds of mistranslation aside, it just such an odd idea to have Gloria Gaynor/musical quote or Depeche Mode song title inked under your skin in language you don't speak and most of your surroundings don't read. And it seems to be very western thing as well - it's not like Chinese tattoo themseleves with Wei Wei quotes translated to Russian or Hacken Lee song titles in Welsh.

Looks better than having a whole paragraph on your arm :)
yes do this! those are awsome drawings
dont have a tattoo just because i know i'll change my mind soooo quickly about it.
im a piercing person, so u can take em out and pretend it never happened if it looks bad :P

Well, I dont want them exactly (since its quite a popular design now) and I am gonna get my mate to do his version.
I know this thread is titled SHOW your tats, but I'd really, really like to get this done!


Across my back/shoulder blades? Any thoughts? Would it be a pain (obv. me included) for the artist to do all the branches/flowers etc? :D

That is a lot of line work. Depends how good your tattoo artist is and how high your pain threshold is. A competent artist will find that really easy to do.
They stain the design onto your body and then just trace the lines. Not too hard.
Very strange way of thinking, especially considering canvas, I would have thought if you wanted the tattoo to say "peace" you would get it to say "peace" - it's not like you would write Rest in 和平 on someone's grave or greet someone with "Heping, my brother" down at your local Church Choir meet. What's more, there is a very high possibility that once put 'heping', instead of your "uncool looking" common 'peace; in a sentence it will be about as relevant to your expression of peace as wearing a t-shirt with "Armoury Pesglobe Lodge" instead of "Arsenal F.C."

I suppose it's like far eastern people thinking anything written in English looks better than anything written in their symbols. The effects, for personal amusement can be observed on . It's just that they do that on toilet doors and t-shirts, while westerners do that on their skin.

its that bright in the flesh if not brighter, she uses awesome inks.

Very nice tattoo mate. Loving how vibrant the colours look. :)

i know its crap so no need for everyone to tell me :p
did it myself when i was about 16 with some indian ink and a needle with a bit of cotton wrapped around the end

i plan to get it covered up soon

Thats rather good for self tattoo. How long did it take and did you do it in one go? Kudos.

Edit- lol my phone browser can render my sig fine, firefox does it fine but internet explorer at my work cant render it properly...
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