The Silence

It doesn't look like I'm gonna finish this build anytime soon... Lack of time kills it. I even left my red gpu ext. since I no longer have free time to work with PC. I still hope this will be finished but unfortunatelly as soon as it was intended.

Because of that I decided to to "final" photos of interior :)





iATX beta is done. Now I know what can and what can't be done in this chasis. Few weeks from now I will swap the MB tray for the CZ tray, do some custom covers, re route the tubing and possibly change gpu

Ok. It's time to go back do ATX. I have some covers already, new cover for front is coming in.

I already ordered DI water, orange dye, anti corrosion and biocide and ek holder so my res could be finally still :) Lightbox is going out, both 360 and 480 going to the bottom of the case, psu to the drive bays. Need also a step drill to make proper holes for pass throughs
Nice to see you are still working on it, final pics don't do it justice. I was looking at the MBX MKII case but cost is crazy. Looking forward to seeing how you progress yours.
Would love a Res like that for an upgrade to my bay system.

MurderBox is too expensive. Same for Martma's mods for TJ07. As for the res You can contact a person who made it for me. Hi FB page
What do You think guys about covering I/O ports? Not sure if I like the look of it
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I'm alive no worries ;)

Changed my mind (again) and I stick to IATX. Alu cover are out due to very long waitiing time for some parts so I stick to MMod plexi covers.
In the drive bays area... just see yourself :D

Well... I lost 1 fitting somewhere. Don't know when or where but I'm raging right now.

Did gpu->rad connection and res->rad... and that's it up until I get some flexible tubing to finish bottom chamber

Problem solved with male to male short extender

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Thx guys. I have to admit that I like it a lot. Even with lightbox turned on fluid looks good. I will add 1 or 2 more pics with lightbox on when I get my DSLR back
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