The Sony A73/A7R3/A7S3/A9 Thread

My bad, misread what you wrote regarding MLU.

That is an interesting solution, especially once transparent LCDs start to get better - could integrate it into the focusing screen unit. The Fuji hybrid LCD relies on a mini LCD projecting the sensor feed into a square prism, but that's a tunnel OVF, so a transparent LCD would get around the need for a separate optical path for the LCD like Fuji does.

Another way would be to just have a smart port for a clip on EVF.

Or just don't bother with half measures and actually design an EVF only camera.

It depends on how they implement the EVF but at worst it will be like the X-Pro 2 solution.

Personally I prefer having optical, you negate the refresh rate problem, I find the EVF in the X-T1 to be adequate but I don't find it sharp enough and the exposure on the EVF not to be the same as the photo, there's not enough DR on the EVF to really tell you enough and some guessing still needed or look at the histogram.
I know you can't, I did say mirror lock up for electronic shutter...? Which implies there is a mirror for optical when the mirror is down and EVF when the mirror is up?

I don't even want them to change the flange distance, same body as now, same mount, same design and just wack in a hybrid EVF, do a firmware to enable electronic shutter. Job done.
Aint that pretty much what a Sony A99mk2 is?
I may cancel my pre order. the buffer rate seems like an issue(cant access the menu) no PlayMemory App, no S Log. Not as sharp as my a7r2 when pixel peeping.

There 3s tracking is buggy or not as good as nikons?

Pre-ordering, ie. pay now buy later, is always a bad idea because of things like this, you are so much better just waiting for the camera to be released and properly reviewed.
The other problem with pre-ordering is you don't know if your store will get early shipments or not.
im not in a hurry. i pre ordered the 5d4 and got that at launch fine.

My normal supplier are pretty good and i dont have to pay until i collect it. So i can cancel any time between now and when it is actually ready to be collected
If you aren't in a hurry then why bother per-ordering at all really?
Because it costs nothing to pre order and lifes too short.

This camera may be even more popular then any mirrorless camera to date and so if i miss the first boat of shipment on the a9, it may be 2+months before the next one.
I dunno, I buy cameras for jobs and if say I have no jobs coming up that requires this then I rather the money to be in my bank. It's why I didn't buy any gear over the winter.
I dunno, I buy cameras for jobs and if say I have no jobs coming up that requires this then I rather the money to be in my bank. It's why I didn't buy any gear over the winter.
having money in the bank for some people is bad as the tax man gets it instead :)

i shoot for both pleasure and work.
having money in the bank for some people is bad as the tax man gets it instead :)

i shoot for both pleasure and work.

It's past April 5th, makes no difference if i buy it now or April 4th 2018 in relation to tax so there is no rush unless I am feeling the urge for gadgets.
Not a pro-photographer (doubt I class as an amateur) but what is Sony's pro-support like. Years ago it was always a big negative against them.

Love the technology never undertsand why they don't get their lens line-up sorted.
Not a pro-photographer (doubt I class as an amateur) but what is Sony's pro-support like. Years ago it was always a big negative against them.

Love the technology never undertsand why they don't get their lens line-up sorted.

There is 1 place in the US or something at the moment?

The big thing for pro, especially at an event like the Olympics, Canon CPS will literally put up shop on site with hundreds of DSLR and lenses for members to borrow. Sony do not have that. They are not years but decades behind in this regard, their infrastructures is not there for this kind of service.
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