**The (spam free) OcUK Kent bash 12th March 2005 - Get the details here**

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Gilly said:
Good job it unofficial. Cos if it was the official one, and I wasn't involved, I'd be most unhappy.

No worries Gilly as any meet idea we do come up with we will pass it by the officials for their seal of approval. Will say one of the meet's I have an idea for, if we can make happen, could involve a lot of UB's, Don's and normal OcUK forum members getting very wet.

Feek said:
I now need MB to post the image that demonstrates that the spoon was in fact free and that I didn't just pinch it.


Too busy and hungover to do anything which involves complex file manipulation, you'll have to wait till later.

Everything seems very bright today and I have what feels like a rhino in my head dancing to happy house! I feel I will probably be quite ill today :(

[school kid chant]VIDEO, VIDEO, VIDEO[/school kid chant]

Actually, do I really want to see a video of me doing heium singing on here?
How much of the headache has been caused by over indulgance on the PS2 and GT4 though MB and how much by the drink.

I was just taking a look at some pics in this thread to show my mum what I got up to at the weekend. But on second thoughts, I think I'll leave it, lol.
Good plan Desmo as looking back at the pictures it makes thing's seem even dodgier than on the day.

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